Hi, Yes, that would really prove my theory, BUT, I have not located where my ancestor is buried. I was hoping to find out something about this DNA that would prove my theory but as yet have not. This year I have plans to do some traveling to see if I can locate my ancestor's naturlization papers or maybe some other document that would have his date of birth, date of immigration and any other information that I can find. If, they have the DNA of King Louis XVI then maybe I can still have some way to prove my theory as I have a brother living that would be a direct decendant of the ancestor that I think is the lost dauphin. I have been told that DNA goes back either male to male to male or female to female to female, so my DNA could not be tested against Marie Antoinette's, but my brothers DNA could be tested against King Louis XVI's.
As to the pictures, I will try to scan some into my computer and then post them to this site if you are really interested in seeing them.
Thanks for your posting. As you said, I have done a lot of research on my ancestor and I am not one to say something unless I have more than just an idea or that I am wishing something is true.