Gosh Kim you are engergetic today.
Anyway . .
1. It is possible, but then any one of the thousands of Yorkist soldiers could have killed Edward. This seems likely to be Lancastrian (or Tudor) propaganda against Edward IV's most loyal supporter.
2. Henry VI - again possible, and perhaps more likly than no 1. Some could argue that Edward IV would have trusted only Richard to dispatch Henry. Others could say that the murder of someone who could have been killed by a hired hitman been assigned to the Duke of Gloucester seems unlikely.
3. George - Hmm . . . Richard had no real reason to kill George - George had been an irritant to him for a long time, but if he had put up with it for so long why would he suddenly decide that George had to be killed? IMO, Edward ordered George's muder.
4. This seems the most unlikely of all - Tudor porpaganda entirely, IMO. If Richard wanted Anne dead, he could have had her killed ages before her actual death.
I pronounce the denfendat not guilty!!!!!