Author Topic: Re: Dourasoff/Dourasov/Durasov family  (Read 4016 times)

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Re: Dourasoff/Dourasov/Durasov family
« on: August 20, 2005, 04:07:04 PM »
    My father's mother was named Maria Alexandrovna Durasov born 1895 in Samara Russia. She was the dauther of Alexander Theodor Durasov and the grand daughter of Theodor Durasov.
     Her father and grandfather were 1st captains in the Imperial Guards Navy.
     Does anyone have any information on the Durasov family?

There is a anouncement on one russian board in Internet: someone seeking relatives of Alexander F Durasov from S.Petersburg? Do you interesting in it or may be this anouncement is yours?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Theres »


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Re: Dourasoff/Dourasov/Durasov family
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 09:38:44 AM »
Yes, Theodor is the same as Fedor

The text is "Seek relatives of  Alexander F Durasov who was born and live in S.Petersburg in 1880s. He emigrated to Canada in 1905 and in 1920s lost contacts with relatives stayed in Russia. He had two sisters Ekaterina [Catherine] and Polina

Hope it will be useful for you.

WIth best wishes
Catherine  ;)


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Re: Dourasoff/Dourasov/Durasov family
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 08:43:39 PM »
Hello there.

I am a newbie who is very happy to have stumbled across this board just by googling my last name.  

I was very surprised  :D  to see in the postings an announcement on a Russian board that I had posted on 3 years ago asking for any information on my grandfather's family.  

I apologize to   :-[  Mikcat that I am very late in seeing the post but if you are still out there please contact me.  Unfortunately, the email address at is old and has not been used in 2 years so if anyone has posted to it I am trying to see if I can still access any of the information.

I am still looking for information on Alexander F Durasov who lived in St. Petersburg near the University on Vasilevsky Island with his family until he immigrated to Canada in 1905 to begin a new life Vasilevsky Island.

I am so happy I have found this site and now I have lots of enjoyable reading to do.



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Re: Dourasoff/Dourasov/Durasov family
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 09:12:32 PM »

Information I now have re: my Grandfather Alexander Theodor Dourasoff / Durasov

Nickname: Shura/Sasha
His father: Fred Dourasoff

Grandfather's sisters - Paulina and Anna

Paulina / Polina
she did not leave with the family in 1919 and instead stayed in St Petersburg to look after their ill father and  because she was either a nurse or doctor.

Anna / Annie
Her daughter Katherine and her mother (my great grandmother) fled St Petersburg in 1919
to Finland and then lived in lived in Riga, Lativa.

Grandfather's neice Catherine / Katherine
nickname: Katya
mother : Anna
Fled St Petersburg in 1919 at 4-1/2 years old to Finland and then lived in lived in Riga, Lativa.

Grandfather's nephew Alexey
Nickname: Alioshi
1922 one year old

Uncle Michael and Konstantine have been mentioned in letters as well.

I haven't posted in awhile but I want to make sure the information posted is as accurate as possible in case other family members are looking also. 

Thank you
