Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Iberian Royal Families
Carlist pretenders to the Spanish throne and their wives
I thought that when the last Carlist died he designated the Bourbon-Parmas as his heirs, and that Prince Hugo of Bourbon Parma, who is married to Princess Irene of the Netherlands, is the current claimant . . . I didn't know there was a dispute . . . ???
A Carlist who really defends his or her ideals would recognise the Bourbon-Parmas as their legitimate Kings. When the dynastic split took place in 1833 Fernando VII banned don Carlos from succeeding and don Carlos did the same for both Fernando and Francisco de Paula.
The senior male branch of the family after Alfonso Carlos's death was, however, Alfonso XIII, whom many carlitsts saw as their new king.
Alfonso Carlos designated Javier de Borbón-Parma as his heir, so he beacme the new carlist king.
Carlos of Austria-Tuscany claimed the throne, but his claim was not carlist but stupid, it broke all of the carlist ideals!!!
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A Carlist who really defends his or her ideals would recognise the Bourbon-Parmas as their legitimate Kings. When the dynastic split took place in 1833 Fernando VII banned don Carlos from succeeding and don Carlos did the same for both Fernando and Francisco de Paula.
The senior male branch of the family after Alfonso Carlos's death was, however, Alfonso XIII, whom many carlitsts saw as their new king.
Alfonso Carlos designated Javier de Borbón-Parma as his heir, so he beacme the new carlist king.
Carlos of Austria-Tuscany claimed the throne, but his claim was not carlist but stupid, it broke all of the carlist ideals!!!
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??? ??? ??? I need something to drink . . . this is sooo puzzling! What was Carlos of Austria Tuscany's claim? who was he descended from?
For some Carlos de Habsburgo-Lorena y Borbón (1909-1953) was the King Carlos VIII of Spain.
He was the son of carlist "infanta" doña Blanca, eldest daughter of Carlos VII, and Archduke Leopoldo Salvatore of Tuscany.
When Alfonso Carlos died in 1936 the situation of the Carlist Succession was , at least, ambiguous. He had not really named Javier of Parma his successor, but the Regent. Even more complicated, Javier was not his direct relative, but a distant cousin and his wife's nephew, a fact that made many think Alfonso Carlos was acting with favoritism towards Javier.
In this year, 1936, some carlists proclaimed that there was a new... Queen! Blanca de Borbón y Borbón, the daughter of Carlos VII and niece of Alfonso Carlos. That was too much, the carlists had split from the Spanish Royal Family in 1833 because they said Isabel II, as a woman, had no right to the throne. Why then proclaiming a queen a hundred years later??
So Blanca abdicated her 'rights' to her youngest son, Carlos of Tuscany. Not only this claim was stupid, in my opinion, because it came from a woman (thus destroying the carlist ideals which had made Carlos María Isidro flee from Spain in 1833) but because don Carlos was chosen because his brothers had married morganatically or renounced to their 'rights' (like Archduke Anton, who was married to Ileana of Roumania, so this wasn't a morganatic marriage). The case is that Carlos was also married morganatically to Christa Satzger de Bálványos!
Don Carlos would also be proclaimed King in 1945 by some pro-fascist carlists, who wanted General Franco to crown Carlos as the new king of Spain, as Carlos was a well known fascist.
From my point of view the claim that both Javier of Parma (descendant of Duke Filippo of Parrma) or Alfonso XIII (descendant on the male line of Francisco de Paula )could have to the Carlist inheritance was stronger than that of Carlos of Tuscany who was grandson of Carlos VII, yes, but on the female line!
Thanks for explaining, umigon!
How silly that the whole Carlist things started over people who adhered to the Salic Law, but then when they could not find an heir they selected someone through the female line! :o
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