Author Topic: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti  (Read 46298 times)

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count guiramov

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #60 on: January 24, 2010, 08:49:41 AM »

I bought this book at Isle-Adam some years ago maybe it would interest few people here.

I own archival material on the Condé or Conti and should find it somewhere around.

Naslednik Norvezhskiy

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #61 on: February 06, 2010, 08:55:06 AM »
Amazing that the Princes of Condé succeeded each other as Governors of Burgundy during nearly 150 years: From 1631 to 1789, with just a small break from 1650 to 1659!

duchesse de Chartres

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2010, 12:54:59 PM »

This miniature is a touching souvenir, because the princess gave this portrait of herself to her father-in-law, the duke of Bourbon, after the death of the duke of Enghien. The duke of Bourbon keeped this portrait in his wallet, where it was found after his own (tragic) death.

Love it!! Who was the painter do we know!?

Offline Bourgogne

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2010, 05:22:03 PM »

Love it!! Who was the painter do we know!?

Yes, the picture is attributed to François-Joseph Desvernois, but there are very few informations about him. It was a french miniaturist who essentially worked in 1799 in Strasbourg (Charlotte's portrait was certainly made at this time),  and later in Switzerland... That's all what we know...


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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2010, 09:32:34 AM »
Dear readers,

you must be familiar with Madame de Bourbon Louise Marie Thérèse Bathilde d'Órléans, sister of Philippe Égalitè. She married the Prince de Condé. What is most remarkable about this person is her biography. Please have a look at Wikipedia and you will find out more about her at

What I'm most interested to know is exactly to where was she exiled, along with her daughter and sister-in-law.
The references mention some place near Barcelona but apparently not really Barcelona. Any idea? That would be very important for me so thank you so much if you can help me.


Offline CountessKate

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2010, 12:49:05 PM »
The musée Condé à Chantilly has a painting by the duchesse de Bourbon entitled: "Intérieur de la salle à manger de Mme la duchesse d'Orléans à Sarria (Espagne) durant son exil de 1792 à 1814, Mme de Chastellux entoure de son bras Mme la duchesse d'Orléans (recto) ; Arrivée du comte Alfred de Chastellux auprès de sa mère à Sarria (verso)".  So the duchesse de Bourbon must have been at Sarria at least some of the time (according to an inscription it was painted in Sarria in 1798).  Sarria however is nowhere near Barcelona; of course, the duchesse de Bourbon may have lived nearer Barcelona and simply visited her sister-in-law in Sarria.  Here is a link to the BJ entry (which has a copy of the picture, showing rather reduced circumstances for the duchesse d'Orleans, at any rate):

There are at least two others in what seems to be a series of domestic scenes set in Sarria, labelled by Base Joconde as by 'Louise de Bourbon' just to confuse:

Presumably Comte Ducos goes into more detail in his 'La Mère du duc d'Enghien 1750-1822', if you can get hold of a copy.

Offline trentk80

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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #66 on: September 03, 2010, 09:29:44 PM »
What I'm most interested to know is exactly to where was she exiled, along with her daughter and sister-in-law.
The references mention some place near Barcelona but apparently not really Barcelona. Any idea?

From 1797 to 1808 the Duchess of Orléans lived in Sarrià, which used to be a small village near Barcelona, and nowadays is a neighbourhood in the district of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi in Barcelona. The street where she used to live is called "Duquessa d’Orleans".
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 09:33:06 PM by trentk80 »
Ladran los perros a la Luna, y ella con majestuoso desprecio prosigue el curso de su viaje.


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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2010, 12:10:28 PM »
Dear CountessKate, Dear Trentk80,

Thank you so much for your replies. They are most useful I'm sure.
You two were absolutely brilliant! Thanks a lot!
Regards from Lisbon


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Re: Bourbon-Condé and Bourbon-Conti
« Reply #68 on: September 04, 2010, 12:47:44 PM »
I now have a further question about Madame de Bourbon Louise Marie Bathilde. On the journey to her exile in Spain she was escorted by a 27 year old gendarme to whom she became attached and there are references of her somewhat irregular relationship (age difference, status, he was her keeper so to say). She was 47 but I have the feeling that despite her age, she might have conceived a child from this young man. This child must have obviously been hidden from the general public as she did, decades earlier with her illegitimate daughter who she never mothered publicly. Also this child didn´t return to France with her mother. Bathilde's nephew, King Louis Philippe I, burnt her diary and some letters so the information about this eventual child would be lost, as he also destroyed the military file on this young man which is quite extreme, don't you think?. The couple - Bathilde and the young gendarme got together when she returned to France but he died long before her, stricken by a disease.
Have anyone read about this possibility or came across the same suspicion? I believe it is quite a mind challenging theory but altogether very possible.