When his father died, Tommaso was just one year old.
He was raised by a very protective and strong-willed mother.
I think he served in the Italian Navy.
When Isabel II of Spain lost her throne, his name was the first to be suggested, although (or because) he was a boy of 15/16 years old.
However his mother refused on his behalf, as she thought the idea of Tommaso becoming king of Spain was a too dangerous idea.
Spain was not the most peaceful country in Europe and Isabel II suffered several murder attempts, as well as her ministers.
That would also meant she would not have Tommaso close to her.
This caused an immense rage from her not so beloved brother-in-law, King Vittorio Emanuelle II, who cherished the idea of "planting" a Savoy in another throne as it would be very prestigious for the dynasty which at that time was still seen a bit an upstart one.
Besides, Elizabeth of Saxony refused the offer of the throne, without even consulting VE II, which added to the king's rage.
If you think that VE and Elizabeth were not in good terms specially since her 2nd marriage, you will imagine that this situation did not help their relation.
In the end it was good for VE who had his own son Amedeo as king of Spain, instead of his nephew.
But that did not last long...