I now have a further question about Madame de Bourbon Louise Marie Bathilde. On the journey to her exile in Spain she was escorted by a 27 year old gendarme to whom she became attached and there are references of her somewhat irregular relationship (age difference, status, he was her keeper so to say). She was 47 but I have the feeling that despite her age, she might have conceived a child from this young man. This child must have obviously been hidden from the general public as she did, decades earlier with her illegitimate daughter who she never mothered publicly. Also this child didn´t return to France with her mother. Bathilde's nephew, King Louis Philippe I, burnt her diary and some letters so the information about this eventual child would be lost, as he also destroyed the military file on this young man which is quite extreme, don't you think?. The couple - Bathilde and the young gendarme got together when she returned to France but he died long before her, stricken by a disease.
Have anyone read about this possibility or came across the same suspicion? I believe it is quite a mind challenging theory but altogether very possible.