It just struck me one day, that although the chances of an actual French restoration are next to nil, there is a rather great theoretical chance for it: The third largest political party in France is Front National and although officially committed to the Republic, they are to some (which?) degree composed of and supported by royalists, along with the more vocal traditional Catholics, racists, neofascists and just plain dissatisfied silent majority, aren't they?
Although the Orléanist movement Action Française has supported Socialist presidential candidates, they threw their weight behind Jean-Marie Le Pen in the 2007 presidential elections. Le Pen's success has been credited to his ability to bring together the various counter-revolutionary, anti-republican "right-wing families of France". Does anybody know if Le Pen (still) is a monarchist? According to Wikipedia, he started his political career with selling the Orléanist Action Française's newspaper "Aspects de la France".