Should I agree, or disagree ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
If one is not tyed directly to circumstances, of loss of life, it can be looked at, as not to have any emotion.
If it is a family member, extended family member, how should we as just 'plain human beings' feel about such crimes ? So those whose family members have gone through any tragedies, should think so little of their lives? How very strange. To be born, to live amongst family, and then throw them to the winds.
It would take a pretty hardned 'human being' to look upon crimes as such you have stated,
to not get emotional when one has realized their family has been desimated, etc. What a world it is in those whom have forgot any respect of or towards any human life, in this manner.
If this is how you would like to look at your family members, close and or extended famiy Tobik, your certainly entitled to, but for
most human hearts, and that's a goodly percentage of the globe, we cannot close the door on that which has starved, murdered, tortured, raped, destroyed, and silenced human kind.
Yes, there are market places, wherein you can buy and sell at your heart's content, and gain whatever wealth, or ownership of objects you so demand. That still does not ever in any
real human heart forgive, nor forget the immensity of what transpired, to gain those objects. Objects over human life, what a choice Tobik
You may champion what you think is for you, but you cannot speak out for millions of people who keep and follow what is really worth more than any object, or money can ever purchase. It is called integrity ! It is called, respect and reverence for human life.