Elizabeth of Bohemia's hair was golden-brown when she was young. As she got older, it got darker. I suspect that she helped her dark hair along with hair dye as she got on in years. Both Charles I and Charles II went gray quite early.
I think Elizabeth and her brothers Henry and Charles I took after the Stuart side of the family, though they probably got their long faces from their mother, Anne of Denmark. At least they were lucky enough to escape having a nose like their mother's.
The Curse of the Nose did strike several of Anne of Denmark's grandchildren, however.
Charles II, James II, and their sister, Mary of Orange, had great big noses that seem to have grown even larger as they grew older.
It isn't a physical characteristic per se, but Mary of Modena suffered from breast cancer for many years, yet managed to stay alive and active in the Jacobite cause. She was a lovely woman.