the British left wing didn't like it and as Corynne Hall comments one paper describing MF as the "evil genius of her son's reign".
"MF as evil genius of her son's reign"??!!!
What were they thinking, those arrogant British. For ages they dominated the world seas, thinking that they were the only ones entitled to do so. For instance they were always denying Russia the right to use the straits as a passage to the Mediterranian. (They even denied the Russians their right to have a Black Sea fleet, right in their front door!!!) When a passage through the straits was forced after St Stefano, the British instantly went whining about this to Bismarck who made sure that the free passage was undone by the Treaty of Berlin. England was the traditional enemy of Russia before WilhelmII came into the picture. England only became friendly with Russia in 1907 because Edward Grey wanted to get as much allies gathered as possible to counterbalance Germany!
The rise of German power is often seen as the main cause of WWI but the British fear of losing world dominance was just as important.
So if I were Nicholas, I would rather die in Russia then take exile to England. I would take the honor, for sure.
PLEASE NOTE I don't want to insult the British. I am just referring to the world situation before WWI.
I totally agree with Eddie.
Sergei, I respect you and your sober-minded thoughts on the Rus. Rev. and History threads, but your last words and a little bit out of place "generalization" surprised me.
If we will talk strictly about the World History itself and different British/English actions, they were all very different as an in any nation. Both right and wrong. There is no place here of simple generalization. But for me, one thing is indisputable: Britain (better to say England) during all it's main History has been a powerfull, free, economically developed and modern state with a great opportunities for any human of any views and a great example for free-minded/liberal people from the other contries. I can mention for example former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky (now informal leader of UKIP), who've found only in this country worthy opportunities for his work and life. I can also add that today this country remain one of the few members of EU, which oppose the newfangled EU socialistic and utopian slow rebuilding to another "Soviet Union" (european police, excessive political correctness, lost country's identity, different "green" movements and so on...).
If you/your country have some complexes about Britain (power, freedom, great History) - this is not problem of Britain, this is totally your own problems, on my opinion. As to the British people itself, I have never met in my life such a wonderful, smart, funny, moderately conservative and free people, as the British people or better to say English;).