This is an very odd and strange story:
It was upon a night when I was 5 years old. And In my street people saw stranges lights in the air, my parents go outside and looked at it, It was moving, and it was a very Strange glowing light.
Some people in my street were so afraid they run in the're cellar.
My cousin was that night alone in his house.
And strange lights appeared in his room, he feeld some things on his chest. He run downstairs to call his mum. She says that he must go sleeping. When he entered his room, tere was a strange creature in his room, I don't want to talk about this what happended further.
Days later, we got a newspaper that there were 'Strange lights' seing by a farm, and there were animals murdred. We think it was an UFO.
Creepy huh.
Another story:
When I was about 3, my granfather (my mums dad) was passed away.
When I was in the kitchen, I feeld a strange things on my body, like knokking on your forehead, I was scaren and run away, my mum told me it was her dad.