Dear Trenk80,
don't bother !
that's not a fight against you...
It is just a way (also funny, I hope) to obtain a better quality of the texts on the Forum. This forum is a sentimental and romantic one (many many people are here to express their sweet feelings of pity, their love for beauty, etc...) BUT every people, here, use HISTORY.
History is a science AND a cultural collective MEMORY and HERITAGE; History is like Nature, it belongs to everybody on the earth. So it has to be respected. For that reason some of us try to correct wrong dates, wrong titles, wrong judgments... and so on. One of the important things of our human culture is that "all is complex" and "all is not equal". I mean: cultural phenomenons are highly complex and among cultural phenomenons there are differences (and somebody could add there are hierarchies). Picasso is not a tagger, Montesquieu is not a cartoon, the culture of MittelEuropa (and specialy the Bohemian one) is not the Balkanic one. For an entire people (becaue in a society everyone is linked to anybody) it represents a huge investment in brain, lifes, money, time, etc... during 8 centuries.
An other problem of the forum is the respect of the language. Everybody writes english, but many people are NOT english - I am french and NOT FLUENT in english ... so, many texts (also mines) are full of errors, don't make sense... . We need corrections, we have to accept its as we join the Forum.
And we all can try to respect our common inheritance: History.
Mr Canard