Manfred Knodt also co-authored "The Romanovs - Love Power & Tragedy".
Yes, but this isn't really a scholarly work. Scholarship is about much more than the ability to unearth obscure personal material and hash it together with some convenient propaganda - and that to me is all this book does. Along with a bunch of other royal biographies.

I know. I mentioned this book just to point out that readers may have come across this author's name before. Whereas
"Love, Power and tragedy" is not a scholarly work at all - not by long shot - Knodt's biography of Ernst Ludwig is several classes above, a well-researched work, rich in details and free of unsubstantiated personal interpretations/convenient propaganda, and I find it a most useful book of reference, although he could have explored certain aspects of Ernst Ludwig´s private life in greater detail. But, yes, it's in German and, unfortunately, not yet translated into English or French, as far as I know.