i would pick up the Topic "the four Graces-QV hessian Granddaugthers" i think we could discuess about anecdotes about VEIA(in this book), so if someone read the book, we could here discuess about the sad/funny/happy Things.
like that
After Louis asked Victoria to be his wife, she agreed of course she was in love. QV was happy too but I think she didn't like that Louis visitit Victoria to often before her wedding.
Like here " Louis obviously noticed the Queens distaste for courting, and mentioned that he was only allowed to see Victoria "by stealth, as she did not approve of engaged couples spooning Victoria wrote to QV " I hope you were not vexed at Louis Guttenberg having once or twice come to see me " she was indeed vexed.
Of course QV was worried but Victoria was not a teenager anymore. I mean Louis came to Victoria to talk...or to kiss...but I think Victoria and Louis were old enough to have time alone before the wedding.
I think it's even romantic if he spooning to come to Victoria.