A list starting in 905:
# Sancho I (905-925)
# Garcia I (925-970)
# Sancho II (970-994)
# Garcia II (994-1004)
# Sancho III 'the Great' King of Iberia (1004-1035)
# Garcia III (1035-1054)
# Sancho IV (1054-1076)
# Sancho V (1076-1094). Also King of Aragon
# Peter I (1094-1104). Also King of Aragon
# Alfonso I 'the Fighter' (1104-1134). Also King of Aragon
# Garcia IV (1134-1150)
# Sancho VI (1150-1190)
# Sancho VII 'The Strong' (1190-???)
# Blanche I (or Blanca) (
-1229). Here sister Beregaria married Richard the Lionheart.
# Theobald I 'The Great' (1229-1253)
# Theobald II (1253-1270)
# Henry I (1270-1274)
# Jeanne I (1274-1305)
# Louis I (1305-1316)
# Philip I 'The Tall' (1316-1322). Also King of France.
# Charles I (1322-1328). Also King of France.
# Jeanne II (1328-1349)
# Philip II (1329-1343). Husband of Jeanne II.
# Charles II (1349-1387)
# Charles III (1387-1425)
# Blanche II (1425-1441)
# John II (1425-1458). Husband of Blanche II. Also King of Aragon.
# Eleanor (1458-1479)
# Francis I (1479-1483). Grandson of Eleanor.
# Catherine I (1483-1512). Sister of Francis.
# John III (1512-1517). Husband of Catherine.
# Henry II (1512-1555). Co ruled with his father John.
# Jeanne III (1555-1572)
# Henry III (1572-1610). King of France from 1589.
I would love some info or pics on these people!