Author Topic: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace  (Read 241986 times)

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Offline Douglas

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #330 on: August 20, 2010, 08:50:11 PM »
The distance from the Kitchen Building to the Palace is 226 feet.  If the porters and footmen had trolleys, I would imagine there would be a ramp instead of stairs, as are shown in this plan from 1897.  I wonder what the current conditions are for the tunnel.

I can't imagine that tourists would want to walk in the tunnel.  The access at the palace terminus would be awkward. 

« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 09:01:48 PM by Douglas »

Offline Vladimir_V.

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #331 on: August 22, 2010, 02:01:09 PM »
I can't imagine that tourists would want to walk in the tunnel.

I do not think so. Gatchina tunnel is popular.


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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #332 on: August 23, 2010, 06:13:55 AM »
As far as I can see there are stairs at both ends. Maybe only part of the meal was sent via tunnel, and the rest was prepared in the palace basement somewhere, closer to the dining room.  And no, I think the tourists would be very interested in the tunnel. Most palaces and castles have tunnels. People love them. The Alexander Palace will need to try to make their tunnel a tourist attraction. At the moment they dont have very much else do they ?

Offline Douglas

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #333 on: August 23, 2010, 02:04:45 PM »
As far as I can see there are stairs at both ends. Maybe only part of the meal was sent via tunnel, and the rest was prepared in the palace basement somewhere, closer to the dining room.  And no, I think the tourists would be very interested in the tunnel. Most palaces and castles have tunnels. People love them. The Alexander Palace will need to try to make their tunnel a tourist attraction. At the moment they dont have very much else do they ?

Ah.. the Tunnel.  Possibly the Tunnel will be the main attraction of a Palace tour.  The tour guides will be rushing through the palace [so boring] and all the time telling the tourists, "Just wait till we get to the's so exciting.  Most people think it's the highlight of a visit to the Palace.  They love to spend hours down there soaking up all the history."  The gift shop will feature a lot of postcards of the Tunnel.

I would imagine many people will opt to just skip the Palace and descend into the tunnel for the adventure of a lifetime.  Better than Disneyland.

As our dear Pavlov says, "At the moment they don't have very much else, do they?"...referring to the Tunnel.

Hey you in the tunnel....;-)))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 02:20:11 PM by Douglas »

Offline Vladimir_V.

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #334 on: August 23, 2010, 03:16:46 PM »
Ah.. the Tunnel.  Possibly the Tunnel will be the main attraction of a Palace tour.  The tour guides will be rushing through the palace [so boring] and all the time telling the tourists, "Just wait till we get to the's so exciting.  

; )))
I saw a child in the Gatchina Palace. Every 10 minutes he asked: “Mam! When we go to the tunnel?”

Offline lilianna

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #335 on: August 24, 2010, 01:49:14 AM »
Kerensky came to the Emperor through the tunnel. He called this entry "kitchen entrance to the palace."

Offline Belochka

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #336 on: August 24, 2010, 06:37:49 AM »
Kerensky came to the Emperor through the tunnel.

Really? Where did you read this detail?

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #337 on: August 24, 2010, 09:45:32 AM »

1) It would appear from your supercilious response to my post that you are a world expert on tourist attractions, and in all things related to what makes museums viable. I bow to your superior knowledge, so please let us have your list of all the tourist attractions the Alexander Palace has to offer "Mr and Mrs Average Tourist" and their 2.5 children. ( As the building now stands in its present condition, with or without the tunnel and the kitchen )

Furthermore you may be aware that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and it would appear you have none.




Offline EmmyLee

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #338 on: August 24, 2010, 03:21:18 PM »
Excellent! Thank you, Vladimir for that plan.

Offline Douglas

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #339 on: August 24, 2010, 04:46:33 PM »
Here is an aerial view of the Alexander Palace and the kitchen building at the right.  The kitchen building entry facade faces directly on and parallel to Dvortsovaya Street .

« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 04:51:42 PM by Douglas »

Offline Douglas

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #340 on: August 24, 2010, 05:01:18 PM »
Same view of Palace and Kitchen Building.  Red lines show the approximate location of the underground tunnel from the palace to the kitchen building.  The distance is about 226 feet.

Offline lilianna

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #341 on: August 24, 2010, 09:17:37 PM »
In the article talking about a tunnel between the Palace and the kitchen. On the basement of the palace. On the kitchen for the dogs of the Emperor. The history of the drainage system around the palace. In Russian.

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Offline lilianna

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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #342 on: August 24, 2010, 09:32:23 PM »
Belochka , When the royal family was imprisoned in the palace, the revolutionaries have closed all entrances and left only entrance through the tunnel, which recorded all who came. Therefore, the royal family was waiting for the commandant of the palace in a semicircular Hall with the keys to go for a walk. On his visit to the Palace in March 1917 through the tunnel write in his memoirs: Kerensky, Markov 2 nd, cornet Crimean regiment Markov (not to be confused with Markov 2). If you want I can send pages in Russian.
In his memoirs, describes Markov little room Vyrubova, Children's room half on 2 floor in March 1917. In the memoirs of his father Belyaeva even have the menu each day that he ate in the palace, too, in March-April 1917. Very, very interesting. In Russian.


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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #343 on: August 29, 2011, 01:19:18 PM »
Wow - excellent work on these plans!!!!!! The tunnel is fascinating too.


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Re: Floorplans of the Alexander Palace
« Reply #344 on: October 19, 2011, 07:59:16 PM »
The Second Floor:
1.   The Passageway
2.   The Buffet
3.   The Aleksandra`s Wardrobe
4.   The hallway with the jut of the elevator (The Glass Roofed Upper Corridor)
5.   The Entry
6.   The Dining Room
7.   The Drawing Room (The Girl`s Reception Room)
8.   The Elder Girl`s Classroom
9.   The Bathroom
10. The Elder Girl`s Bedroom
11. The Junior Girl`s Bedroom
12. The Aleksey`s Playroom
13. The Aleksey`s Bedroom
14. The Derevenko`s Room
15. The Aleksey`s Classroom
16. The Aleksey`s Bathroom
17. The Music Room (the Cinema Room)
18. The Aleksey`s Hallway
18a. The Hallway behind the Cinema Room
19. The Aleksey`s Reception Room
20. The Aleksey`s Buffet
21. The Servants` Bathroom
22. The Gilliard `s Bathroom
23. The Gilliard `s Study
24. The Gilliard `s Bedroom
25. The room of the doctors on duty
26. The Sailor Nagorny`s Room
27. The room of the Gilliard`s servant
28. The Hallway
29. The Chambermaids` Bathroom
30. Chambermaid Elizabeth Ersberg
31. Chambermaid Anna Utkina
32. Major Chambermaid Aleksandra Tegleva  
33. Zanotti`s Chambermaid Elizabeth Eltso (Eltser)
34. Aleksandra`s Lady in Waiting (on Duty)
35. Maid Madeline Zanotti
36. Maid Maria Tutleberg
37. The Junior Girls` Classroom
The Part of the Retinue
38. The First Servant`s Room
39. The Second Servant`s Room
40. The Hallway
41. The Drawing Room
42. The Bedroom
43. The Bathroom
44. The Reserved Room (Dressmaker Shneider)
45. The Servant`s Room
46. The Servant`s Room
47. The Buffet
48. The Hallway (The Passage)
48a. The Light Hallway
49. The Study
50. The Boudoir
51. The Bedroom
52. The Corner Drawing Room
53. The Wardrode and the Ironing Room
54. The Reserved Room for the servants of the guests
55. The Reserved Room for the guests
56. The Hallway
57. The Passage
58. The Benkendorf`s Room
59. The Benkendorf`s Bedroom
60. The Benkendorf`s Drawing Room
61. The Buksgevden`s Drawing Room
62. The Buksgevden`s Bedroom
63. The room of the Buksgevden`s servant
64. The Wardrobe
65. The Orbeliani`s Drawing Room
66. The Orbeliani`s Room
67. The Orbeliani`s Room
68. The Obolenskaya`s Room
69. The Obolenskaya`s Bedroom
70. The Obolenskaya`s Drawing Room
71. The Reserved Room for the guests
72. The Buffet
73. The Buffet
74. The Buffet
75. The Buffet
76. The Servant`s Room (on duty)
77. The Servant`s Room (on duty)
78. The Servant`s Room (on duty)
79. The Glass Roofed Corridor
80. The Passage

#38-43 The Catherine Scneider`s apartment
#49-52 The rooms of Alexander III`s children (The rooms of young Nicholas)
#61-70 The rooms of the lady-in-waiting

In Court of the Last Tsar, that Alexei had a dressing room. where?  a bit confused