Author Topic: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....  (Read 58561 times)

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #75 on: January 05, 2005, 08:35:43 PM »
Hi All,

I posted this in the thread on Maria, but since it was inspired by this thread thought I'd post here as well.  How about Drew Barrymore (if she were younger, of course) as Maria?



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by chintz22 »

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #76 on: June 21, 2005, 06:47:39 PM »
Iv'e always dreamed of making a movie about the Romanov's. I have a whole notebook and most of a diary filled with ideas. Every since I was little I made my own movies and I love to write. I know some of the scenes that I NEED to put in. It's also important that it has an AMAZING soundtrack. The melody of the theme song came to me when I was looking through one of my books. I think it's really good and I hope to build on it. When I go to college I'm going to take Film classes. This is something that I really want to do, but I can't do it alone and I will need others who are passionate about this to work on it as well.    
Jackie3-I LOVE your ideas! I was thinking the same thing!
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #77 on: January 16, 2006, 09:19:52 AM »
I would NOT have Alexei portayed as a spoiled, annoying, and sullen little brat. He was not like that.

I would NOT have Nicky yell at Alix and say "It's your fault. You gave it to him"  regarding Alexei's hemophilia. I can't see Nicky lashing out at Alix about this. She felt bad enough about it already and I can't see him trying to hurt her this way.

I would NOT include the scene of Tatiana  and the guard. No way would Tatiana have done such a thing. She was a proper young lady.

I WOULD have the movie focus more on family life rather than on politics.

Offline londo954

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #78 on: January 16, 2006, 09:56:42 AM »
If I were to remake the movier I would start with teh Wedding at Cobourg and their marriage proposal. It would set the stage for the indrocution of some fo the main characters, as well as tell more of their story and less of the political aspects. However teh movie was based on the book and the book is more an overview with not a whole lot of detail of their life. Its beena  while since I read it but as I recall Massie only spends a chapter talking about them and their life. the book tells little of their private lives. The movies doesn't deal witht eh girls too well at all.
  I would open with a camera flash of the famous "Royal Family of Europe" photo...this would lead to a greater development of Alexandra['s character on how she was reluctant to convert to orthodoxy and how it was Queen Victoria and her sister he eventually pursuaded her it was not all that bad. Can you imagine the cinematography that could be done now, espcially since a lot could eb filmed on location. The Costume Ball at teh WInter Palace, Military revues at Peterhof, Alexander and the Winter Palace. More character development of Nicholas and the relationship with hsi father. The World Tour of teh couple, hunting at Spala, vacations at Livadia and on tHE sTANDART.

Offline londo954

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #79 on: January 16, 2006, 10:01:38 AM »
I would love to see a miniseries done on the Romanov family. I envision it starting with Peter the Grea tbreaking the gound for St. Petersburg and ending with memebers of the family returning for the funeral of the Last Imperial Family.
  Imagine the cinematogrpahy: the building of the city, The navla Battle at Chesme, teh Battle of Poltava, teh splendour fo Catherine and Elizabeth's court, the Great Ball Potemkin gave for Catherine at teh Potemkin Palace, the murder of Paul at the Castle, the War with Napoleon, Alexander I marching into Paris at the head of the Great army, the Crimean War, the assaination of ALexander II, the train wreck of Alexander III, and the tercentary celebrations. I can imagine it enjoying wide viewrship too  


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2006, 03:26:51 PM »
"those scary bad Weffowooshonaahwies! BOO!" it me, or is this beginning to sound a bit demeaning of the beliefs held by others?  

 I'm not invested in the political beliefs of my fellow forum members  :), but I do find what sounds like tones of intellectual superiority off-putting when differing opinions are expressed...and on this subject, there will always be strongly held opinions.

Imo,  :)Michael Jayston, Janet Suzman, Tom Baker, and the music of Richard Rodney Bennett were the saving graces of a movie that could have been so much better.

Warm regards,



I have to agree with Sunny. I also do think that the exposure scene & the naked woman drawing weren't needed. Also the buildings they used did not look authentic. They made the house in Tobolsk look like a peasant's shack out in the middle of the mountains (like in the movie "Heidi") as opposed to in town. Also the Alexander Palace & Winter Palace were not accurate. Stephen Poliakoff did a better job on exteriors for "The Lost Prince" than the director of "Nicholas & Alexandra." I also didn't understand the red lantern at the beginning & end of the movie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Caleb »


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2006, 03:31:24 PM »
I would NOT have Alexei portayed as a spoiled, annoying, and sullen little brat. He was not like that.

I would NOT have Nicky yell at Alix and say "It's your fault. You gave it to him"  regarding Alexei's hemophilia. I can't see Nicky lashing out at Alix about this. She felt bad enough about it already and I can't see him trying to hurt her this way.

I would NOT include the scene of Tatiana  and the guard. No way would Tatiana have done such a thing. She was a proper young lady.

I WOULD have the movie focus more on family life rather than on politics.

I also have to agree. I think Nicholas & Alexandra were more dignified than to shout at each other over Rasputin & for Nicholas to blame Alexandra for the hemophillia of the czarevich. Also I would have liked to see more crowned heads of Europe.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #82 on: January 17, 2006, 03:43:13 PM »

Well you'd better make it a tv series.

I don't know if you read this, I posted these in this section, last two posts.;action=display;num=1124067795;start=25#25


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #83 on: January 25, 2006, 06:53:53 PM »
I spent some months thinking about who could be the perfect composer for a possible remake or retelling of this story. Here's my primary choice.

Thomas Newman.
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #84 on: May 20, 2006, 11:07:24 PM »
         That’s an interesting topic. I am actually going to major in film and this was one of the projects I've always dreamt of doing. I don't know if I would title the movie Nicholas and Alexandra (probably something more creative), but I definitely think that there should be a movie portraying the last family. I've read several ideas for what should be put in the movie, and they all sound really good. However, I would not do a 7 hour mini series (all though that would be interesting to watch). I have several reasons for this. Number one there are ALOT of people that are sadly uninformed of the last Imperial Family. For this reason it would not be as exciting for some people-- especially in the future because of short attention spans. Also the longer the movie the harder it would be to watch multiple times (I have a hard time watching Lord of the Rings straight through, even though I love the movie). Yeah a mini series might be great for us Romanov fans, but no one else would care to see all that extensive interesting facts, at least until there is a GOOD movie to introduce them to the Family in the first place. I want to portray a story that people would be pulled into and want to research further.
          I DO think it is very possible to do a movie that’s about 2 1/2- 3 hours long (look at all the information that was in the Lord of the Rings... and trust me there’s a lot, and they could do it). If a future movie would be called N&A it makes sense to concentrate the story mainly around N&A as well as the Children. Yeah you might say what about all the other characters involved with the family’s life...well you can still have them, but it would be unwise to go into detail of every person that was connected to the family. I guess one example I could use would be the Titanic. Now I would've loved to have a movie that had most of the passengers on the ship portrayed. Obviously, that would be unrealistic; there were 2,200 people on board. In the case of the Romanov’s there were fewer people, but there is SOOOO much to tell.
          As hard as it might be, the family’s story would need PROPER editing (and I don't mean just cutting parts of the story out just because). It would probably be good to shot scenes that showed dramatic moments, like when the Standart hit some rocks and N&A couldn't find Aleksey. Otherwise, showing multiple scenes of the family picking daisies or walking in the woods would be kind of boring. I would actually like to reenact footage and pictures that the family took, like the footage of the Grand Duchesses and Aleksey spinning in a circle on board the Standart. It would not be a long scene just something I think Romanov fans would enjoy. Obviously, it would be shot on location, and hopefully the sets would look authentic. The actors/actresses should fit there parts very well, and it would be nice if they looked similar to there characters. I think it's also very important not to get too wrapped up in romanticizing the family, as I think they often times are portrayed in other movies. History should speak for itself. The communists should not appear to be doing justice towards the family by making them (the family) look like the bad guys. The communist deadly actions were not any better then some of the deadly mistakes that Nicholas had allowed.
          It’s something that would take a lot of research, and that’s what I'm doing now-- it’s a project I'm willing to take on, and I hope it would encourage more people to take interest in the subject. One last note: I have been thinking of a different title then N&A for a movie-- any ideas-- I don't think the title should be gloomy, deadly, a cliché, or really long (for instance: Bloody Nicholas, Russia's Last Imperial Family, The Last Tsar, etc...) I would like a title that includes more than just Nicholas and Alexandra, but also there children-- It should not give away the families demise directly-- you know how when you see a movie title and you don't know where they got the title from like, Cinderella Man, or October Sky. That’s how I would want this title to be...any thoughts... sorry for the long message :)



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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2007, 09:05:12 PM »
I am an amateur playwright and am fascinated with the Romanovs. I have noticed, as many of you have as well, that some key things are completely left out of films about the Romanovs. If someone was to make a historical film all about the Romanovs what stories, characters, characteristics, or other things would you want to have in that film?

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #86 on: January 18, 2007, 08:21:37 AM »
I for one would like to see the beauty of the Orthodox faith - so often Empress Alexandra is portrayed as a religious maniac, but I do not agree with it. It is interesting to see in Church bookshops in Russia books with her writings about the upbringing of children - from her diaries and notebooks. I would also lke to see the Tsar not be portrayed as some weakling completely under his wife's thumb. I think that both the Tsar and Tsaritsa have been portrayed in a very 2-dimensional way in the past, and it is time they were portrayed more fully.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #87 on: August 18, 2007, 06:53:43 AM »
Joan Collins as Maria Feodorovna? ... am picking myself off the floor after laughing my head off!!! 


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #88 on: September 09, 2007, 01:30:18 AM »
I think a mini series is a great idea. More time to fit everything in. I'd also like to see a more personal portrayal of the family life where the girls get more than 2 lines.  think Nicole Kidman would be perfect for Alexandra, she doesn't really look the part but she's a fantastic actress. And she can play roles like that really well. Freddie Highmore for Alexei. He's great, but unknowns for all the girls. I don't know about Nicholas.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #89 on: September 12, 2007, 05:18:05 PM »
The way director Gleb Panfilov chose to show the Imperial Family in his movie Romanovy: ventsenosnaya semya is of a more intimate kind. Of course, you see the politics, and the effects it had on the country, and the Imperial Family, but the focus is more on the family itself, how they interacted together, and how they faced the events. That's why I prefer that movie.

That doesn't make Nicholas and Alexandra a bad movie, au contraire, only that they chose to focus on a somewhat grander scope of events.

I think the ultimate Romanov movie (or mini-serie) would be a clever blend of the two; the events that changed Russia, à la Nicholas & Alexandra, intercut with intimate events and scenes à la Romanovy.

That would be awesome!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 05:23:10 PM by mr_harrison75 »