Author Topic: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....  (Read 58599 times)

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #105 on: October 07, 2007, 03:13:56 PM »
I agree.  There isn't much information about their days in the Ipatiev House.  But with the right director and writers, they could come up with a very honest interpretation of the events.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #106 on: October 07, 2007, 04:01:05 PM »
yess but most of the time they will use ther fantasie and then its not right they give wrong information and then maby people like us [ romanov wannabee's lol ] get mad


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #107 on: October 08, 2007, 03:55:22 PM »
Yeah, that's true.  I would be upset if events were interpreted the wrong way.  I'd be in the audience shouting, "That didn't happen!!!!!"  Hee hee!


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #108 on: October 09, 2007, 02:08:42 AM »


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #109 on: March 19, 2008, 11:55:11 PM »
I know this is an old thread, but I just read Dctalk3185's post, and I have to say that his ideas were fascinating to read, and quite plausible.  I hope he keeps us updated on his ideas and possible development and such!


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #110 on: March 22, 2008, 10:52:41 AM »
Actually including OTMA Nikolaevna would help.

I don't think a film could do it actually.
To really explore N&A's lives from the time they met when she was 12 and he was 16 to their end together in the "House of Special Purpose" it would take an old style 6-8 hour TV mini-series. I would not make it some attempt at a quasi-epic that N&A tried to be, but a character study on one family - one that would have been better suited for a bourgeouise middle-class life but instead ruled 1/6 of the globe and were in over the heads. More than anything else it is the character of that family that has made their story inspiring not the trapping of royalty and luxurious lifestyle they lived in. As it is I think the old BBC series "Fall of Eagles" (where the Romanovs were only 1/3 of the story) and the Alan Rickman/Greta Scacchi/Ian McKellen film "Rasputin" were much better interpretations of the IF than N&A.

I for one think Jackie3 has the right idea. The film N&A just didn't have enough time to capture everything. Definitely a mini-series (somewhat like that Tudors show on now, though a tad more historically accurate), would do a better jobs at recounting the expanse history of the last Romanovs.

If I might add, The Romanovs actually more or less dominate most of the episodes in "Fall of Eagles", at least 7 of the 14 episodes are entirely based on them or include them in some fashion. Definitely more than a mere third. Even the director voiced that they might have well have just made the entire series about them. just realized this thread is 4 years old x__x....
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 11:15:56 AM by NAOTMAA Fan »


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #111 on: February 18, 2010, 03:10:49 PM »
Here's a thought I've had on this topic for a while. Out of curiosity, how do most of you feel if in a Romanov film a line of dialogue were shifted to another person just to save from introducing 50 characters. Basically you pick the top 15 characters for such a film and you blend certain aspects of characters not depicted into those characters. True you loss the historical accuracy, but you spare the enormous amount of headaches that will occur from knowing who's who. Does that make sense? This same idea can easily be applied to scenes. I'm just saying, although Nicholas and Alexandra's lives do fit neatly into a three act structure, there are some area's that need to be trimmed or remodeled for time, drama, or just plan good story telling (Act I: Ella's wedding/Nicholas and Alix separate/ re meet-proposal- inciting incident/ marriage-coronation-plot point one Act II: Alexei's birth/OTMA/Bloody Sunday-Duma/Rasputin/Standart incident- skip to Tercentenary/ WWI/Nurses/Nicholas as Commander/Rasputin murdered- inciting incident/ Abdication- plot point two Act III: Nicholas and Alix reunited/ Imprisoned at Tsarskoye Selo/ Imprisoned in Tobolsk/ imprisoned in Yekaterinburg/ murdered- end with nicholas and alix's signature on window in the lower dacha). I know some of you think that a mini series might work, and perhaps your right, but I'm just saying it would never happen, because to do it right would cost a lot and not much of the viewing public would ever watch- in general it would bomb. By creating a film that's both exciting and MOSTLY historically accurate, (in terms of the fact that at least some scenes or dialogue DID take place, just not in the right order or said by the right person), this will appeal to more people. Focus primarily on Nicholas, Alexandra, and OTMAA, and many unnecessary characters/scenes fall away. I'm telling you, it's how the business runs- it's how they made the Lord of the Rings.


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #112 on: February 18, 2010, 03:24:24 PM »
Yes, DC, that is exactly how films are made! They would be prohibitively expensive, not that they are not already, if they were not. I also wish that some twinkies would stop complaining about actresses not looking like their precious Grand Duchesses!! They are ACTORS, playing a role. Not reincarnating the persons they are playing.
 I think the last "historically accurate" film with a large cast was The Last Emperor and that cost a fortune to make.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 03:33:36 PM by Robert_Hall »


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #113 on: February 19, 2010, 02:28:22 AM »
I think definately a series, starting with the assasination of Alexander ll, and made by a company like Merchant Ivory,( WHICH UNFORTUANTELY NO LONGER EXISTS)  or the sister of Ralph Fiennes. She did an excellent job making the movie Eugene Onegin, which was filmed partly in St Petersburg, and had her brother Ralph in the title role. She really created a very Russian feel and the interior shots of palaces and country houses were fantastic. I watch this movie whenever I am feel a bit down. I can really recommend this movie to everyone here. Anyone who is interested in Russian history, and culture.

No offense to the American Film makers, but it would be great if we could have English actors. Historical European movies just dont sound right with American accents. ( Out of Africa), for those of you who are old enough to remember it, was a disaster because of miscasting and the  accents. Finch-Hatton with an American accent !
Meryl Streep one does not mind, because she always gets it right. Refer her accents in movies like Sophies Choice, French Lieutenants Woman etc.
I would want them to use the real palaces,and other locations where things actually happened. The actual rooms. I would make it completely authentic, down to the beaches they sat on, the Finnish Islands they picnicked on. 
Russia is open now, so it should be possible.
I would want to see the Anitchkov palace, the Winter palace, Tsarskoe Tselo, Gatchina, Peterhof etc.



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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #114 on: February 19, 2010, 12:22:48 PM »
Robert Hall I totally agree with you on the Grand Duchess look alike aspect. When I think of historical films, I find that is some cases I wish that the real people looked like the actors/actress instead of the other way around, mainly because they are so believable on screen. In "Nicholas and Alexandra" it's very clear that OTMA are no more interesting than wallpaper. Giving each of them a unique feel, and separating them from each other- each daughter suddenly becomes interesting (it's precision in character development- flaws and all!).

Pavlov I agree that they all should be British actors/actresses- naturally the Russian and French languages will have to be tossed into the dialogue for obvious reasons. I guess, the only problem with starting with Alexander II assassination is that the mini series would solely only focus on Nicholas II, Alix would only be a side character. Also, you can't just toss back and forth between Nicholas and Alix's lives, years before they would meet, because the drama disappears and becomes boring- much more suitable for the history channel (the History channel is not boring, I love it, I'm just saying that, that this would be the case.). If it's strictly about Nicholas than great that would be an excellent movie hook- right into the action, but Alix can only be a supporting character.

In fact it is completely understandable why "Nicholas and Alexandra" begins with the birth of Alexei. It starts off with a monumental moment that goes instantly sour- a problem emerges- films revolve around conflict. Nicholas and Alexandra both have needs and wants- their need is a son, there want is for his survival. This is true for every character in film history- or at least it should be...


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #115 on: February 19, 2010, 01:39:04 PM »
As usual, one poster hogs the input with superfluous postings, however, a bit of effort, I can now respond.
 Yes, Pavlov, a series would be  fantastic. It is true Massies began with Alexei- his own son has hemophilia so that is what got him started to begin with.
A series by BBC or perhaps ITV would be brilliant, they are so  good at  historical dramas and have a great pool of actors & art direction. As for locations...again, expense and  not all of the locations are amenable  to  production. Exterior scenes, maybe. But interiors, well,  that might be a problem, as most are  open to the public and not at all like they were in the days of N&A. The studios, especially the British are excellent  at recreating interiors.
 Costume dramas are quite costly, especially to make them believable. The BBC relies on license fees and ITV on commercial income, so it just depends on  how much they have to spend on such projects.  I have read prospects of such projects, unfortunately,  cost is the driving factor. There is a huge  pool of talent and plenty willing and able- but, money....
 Well, one can dream, can't one?

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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #116 on: February 19, 2010, 06:09:35 PM »
In my college days I studied movie and commercial making.  The concensus seemed to be that a simple story, well told was always the best.  There are many books and movies that reveal this attitude.

A less expensive movie or series might be one based on one person of the Imperial Family.  It could be anyone...even a servant or friend of the family.   Many possible people come to mind.  The entire movie and the family could be as seen through their eyes.  It could even be implied that the person viewing the scene is yourself.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 06:13:20 PM by Douglas »


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #117 on: February 19, 2010, 07:59:32 PM »
Good ideas, Douglas.  Somewhat like the  Russian Ark  film, in a way. And, incorporating Pavlov's ideas as well, such an "observer" could be a compilation of several people. But still, it would take money  plus cooperation to vreate such a film or series.
 Histories are hard to please everyone.  There will always be those who insist on  immaterial details and others who miss the whole point of the story...


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #118 on: February 19, 2010, 11:31:24 PM »
Douglas love the idea- I was actually thinking the same thing, but I'm glad you posted it! A while ago, when I was reading through Lili Dehn's memoirs, it occurred to me that this could be an interesting spin on this story, which would be seen through her eyes, or really anyone's. It would definitely cost a lot for BBC, but that's why Hollywood is supreme- don't forget they did "Band of Brothers"- the most successful mini series of all time and it was historically accurate. Hollywood in general would have more success with such a film than lesser corporations. Also, for larger budget films, companies will band together to divide the costs, which is very prevalent during these economic times. 


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Re: If you could remake 'Nicholas and Alexandra'....
« Reply #119 on: February 20, 2010, 12:06:49 AM »
A while ago, when I was reading through Lili Dehn's memoirs, it occurred to me that this could be an interesting spin on this story, which would be seen through her eyes, or really anyone's.

Wow i was thinking the same thing when i read the post about seeing in through the eyes of a servant or friend an I'm like "Lili Dehn would be great maybe Anna Vyrouba though i like Lili Dehn better"  because for some reason i just do (like her better)!  :o  :)