Author Topic: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies  (Read 93453 times)

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2005, 04:38:10 PM »
Marvel or DC. I am a huge comic fan, but mostly Japanese Manga for me. Anyhoo... When I saw HellBoy I was put back by the reincarnation of Rasputin again. I've since looked it up in the comics and have had no luck yet. I wasn't too impressed with this movie's adaptation of Rasputian  :-/

Offline Vive_HIH_Aleksey

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2005, 11:21:30 PM »
I suggest going to this link:

You'll find all kinds of talks about it there.

I know nothing about the comics, but why is it such a big deal that they took someone from history and used artistic liscence to make him into a villain in a FANTASY SCI FI COMIC BOOK FILM? If this was actually AIMING to be accurate, then I would say Yes you have reason to be upset. But this has nothing to do with history! Why not take it one step further: Hellboy's whole existence is because of the NAZIS, where's the evidence that says they were or were not involved in the occult? Also, X-Men, in the film at least, Professor X and Magneto both discover their powers at a concentration camp and save everyone from death. Where's the huge outcry about that?

Just go to IMDB and talk about it there with the people who know the comics, and see where you stand yourselves.
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2005, 09:36:07 AM »
[quote author=Vive_HIH_Aleksey I know nothing about the comics, but why is it such a big deal that they took someone from history and used artistic liscence to make him into a villain in a FANTASY SCI FI COMIC BOOK FILM? If this was actually AIMING to be accurate, then I would say Yes you have reason to be upset. But this has nothing to do with history! Why not take it one step further: Hellboy's whole existence is because of the NAZIS, where's the evidence that says they were or were not involved in the occult? Also, X-Men, in the film at least, Professor X and Magneto both discover their powers at a concentration camp and save everyone from death. Where's the huge outcry about that?

Theres a great deal of evidence you could use to prove that that not only Hitler, but members of his cabinet were either involved or interested in the occult. As far as Rasputin goes, I'd like to see someone try to prove his involvement in such things. Alot of people assume that because of his supposed involvement in the khlysty religious sect, he must have been into the occult, but the fact is the khlysty was just a wierd deveation of Russian Orthodox Christianity.  If you go back and read acounts by Anna Vyrubova, Lili Dehn(theres a link to both their books on this site), or any Orthodox Christian who knew Rasputin on a personal level, they never had any doubt he was of the same faith. Its hard enough to even prove the khlysty existed, and harder still to prove it was ever anything like the way it was described in connection with Rasputin.
The fact of the matter is, Rasputin was a real historical figure, in Russia many even beleive he was a saint. and there are descendants of his living to this day.  So when someone potrays him as evil in a film, book, or whatever, it amounts to slander. Professor X and Magneto have always been and always will be FICTIONAL characters. Magneto is known to have  Jewish ancestry in the comic book, so why would having Magneto discover his powers in a concentration camp (prof. x never appeared in a nazi camp in the movie or the comic) offend anyone?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Konstantine »

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2005, 01:41:14 PM »
When I did a search for Michelle Kwan on I found an item that had nothing to do with skating, yet this was written:

"Her head turned faster than Michelle Kwan doing a triple axle."

Now THAT'S lible if I ever saw it. First off the idiot spelled Axel wrong, and second, Kwan has never in her life even ATTEMPTED the dangerous and rare jump. But I didn't go to Goldensksate complaining about it...

However, I did complain about seeing a fashion magazine calling Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner Olympic Gold Medalists, when they never even COMPETED at the Olympics. They were there, but Randy got hurt in practice just before their skate. Most people agreed with me that I did have something to complain about, however there were some who felt the same way I feel about this.

Wow you definitely know your comics Brendan. Tell me, was the original Batman comics' Joker the way he is portrayed in the film with Michael Keaton?

What in your opinion is the most accurate comic book movie made to date?

And what is the best?

I can't make any analysis on accuracy, but the best I have seen is the Spiderman franchise. Even though yes, they change things from the original comics (including letting Mary Jane live... she did die in the original comics right?) it is still an excellent movie series, and they stay true to comic book-cinematography. Every frame shot, at least in the first film, was shot to look like it was from a comic book.

I would say the worst adaptation of a comic would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They took a very serious series and made it funny... some fans think that's a cardinal sin, do you?

Oh believe me the terrible effects in Hulk are legendary :( and this from the man who gave us Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... Tsk tsk.

What do you think of Blade? I really liked that movie, but was not a fan of Blade II. But is it accurate to the comic books?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Vive_HIH_Aleksey »
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko

Offline Laura Mabee

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2005, 02:07:22 PM »
I personally didn't like the adaptation of Rasputin in Hellboy. No need to get huffy over it  :-/


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2005, 03:48:35 AM »
"Tell me, was the original Batman comics' Joker the way he is portrayed in the film with Michael Keaton?"

It was darn pretty close. The original comic-book Joker wasnt quite as diabolical, but he was every bit as insane. Only after the live action television show came out in the 60's did you see the dumbed down over the top version of him. Then during the 80's they went back to portaying him as a psychotic serial killer, even going as far as to have him kill off  Jason Todd, the 2nd person to fill the role of  Robin. "What in your opinion is the most accurate comic book movie made to date?"

"And what is the best?"

The first Superman movie was definitly the most accurate, as well as the animated Akira movie,  but X-Men 2 is  (so far anyway)my favorite.
"I can't make any analysis on accuracy, but the best I have seen is the Spiderman franchise. Even though yes, they change things from the original comics (including letting Mary Jane live... she did die in the original comics right?) it is still an excellent movie series, and they stay true to comic book-cinematography. Every frame shot, at least in the first film, was shot to look like it was from a comic book."

I really liked both of the Spiderman movies. They were  very faithful to the comicbook without taking themselves to seriously.  I havent read spiderman for awhile now, but as far as I know Mary Jane never died. Spidermans(first?) girlfriend Gwen Stacy did though.

"I would say the worst adaptation of a comic would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They took a very serious series and made it funny... some fans think that's a cardinal sin, do you?"

The first movie took alot of its plot directly from the comicbook, but the other movies,well, lets just say they took some liberties.
You want to see a REALLY bad comic adaption, watch the Fantastic Four movie that came out in the late 90's(if you can find it).

"What do you think of Blade? I really liked that movie, but was not a fan of Blade II. But is it accurate to the comic books?"
I saw the first Blade movie when it came out a few years ago,and I thought it was decent. I had only seen the character in a comic a couple of times, so I couldnt really tell weather it was accurate or not. Though from what I have seen of the comic, Blade makes a better  movie hero. I havent had the chance to see the other two movies yet.
A couple other good comic adapted movies you may or may not have seen are:
Road to Perdition
The Crow (1st one)
Ghost World
League of extrordinary Gentlemen
Have you seen the preview for the Sin City movie? It looks so close to the comic-book its scary.

Offline Vive_HIH_Aleksey

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2005, 10:55:15 AM »
I loved X-2, I can't wait for the third one next summer! Ian McKellen plays a magnificent Magneto.

I do like the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, haha. I also liked the third one, not sure why LOL.

Superman, awesome film. Awesome music, too. I have the main theme on John Williams' Greatest Hits 1969-99 2-CD album.

Did you like Masters of the Universe? I thought it was well done, but don't know how accurate it is to the comics. Frank Langella was an awesome Skeletor!

Thanks for the info on Spidey! I look forward to seeing the third film when it comes out. Willem DaFoe was such an excellent Green Goblin it's hard to imagine him as anything else!

Oh Road To Perdition was such an excellent film. I have the Oscar-nominated score by Thomas Newman. Jude Law was an excellent villain.

I haven't seen LoEG yet! I keep meaning to but I never get the chance! But Sean Connery is an excellent actor.

I remember the Fantastic Four cartoon series, but never saw the movie, which I am thankful for based on your opinion! :)

Great to chat with you,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Vive_HIH_Aleksey »
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2005, 12:09:19 PM »

"I loved X-2, I can't wait for the third one next summer! Ian McKellen plays a magnificent Magneto. "

I heard that the third movie has been delayed, something about the director leaving or something, have you heard anything about this?

"I do like the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, haha. I also liked the third one, not sure why LOL."

Yeah, I kind of liked the first one too.  Was it the 3rd movie where they went back in time? I only saw each sequel once but I remember thinking that one wasnt to bad.

"I haven't seen LoEG yet! I keep meaning to but I never get the chance! But Sean Connery is an excellent actor."

The director ended up changing a few things plot wise, but LoEG is one of the few comic book adaptions I've seen where they actually improved on the source material.

"I remember the Fantastic Four cartoon series, but never saw the movie, which I am thankful for based on your opinion!"  

You should watch it anyway if you ever have the chance. Not because its any good but because its SO incredibly bad, it good for laughs. I guess by the time they got around to filming it , they only had a budget of like 1 million, and six weeks to film it.

This site has a lot of screen shots from the film:
The next one has a trailer:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Konstantine »

Offline Vive_HIH_Aleksey

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2005, 04:50:33 PM »
Thanks Brendan!

Yeah, TMNT 3 was when they went back in time to feudal Japan.

Thanks for the links! I have heard there is going to be another Fantastic Four movie... I heard or saw something like that somewhere, did you hear about it?
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2005, 08:13:17 PM »
"I loved X-2, I can't wait for the third one next summer! Ian McKellen plays a magnificent Magneto. "
I heard that the third movie has been delayed, something about the director leaving or something, have you heard anything about this?
"I do like the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, haha. I also liked the third one, not sure why LOL."
Yeah, I kind of liked the first one too.  Was it the 3rd movie where they went back in time? I only saw each sequel once but I remember thinking that one wasnt to bad.  
"I haven't seen LoEG yet! I keep meaning to but I never get the chance! But Sean Connery is an excellent actor."  
The director ended up changing a few things plot wise, but LoEG is one of the few comic book adaptions I've seen where they actually improved on the source material.  
"I remember the Fantastic Four cartoon series, but never saw the movie, which I am thankful for based on your opinion!"  
You should watch it anyway if you ever have the chance. Not because its any good but because its SO incredibly bad, it good for laughs. I guess by the time they got around to filming it , they only had a budget of like 1 million, and six weeks to film it.
This site has a lot of screen shots from the film:
The next one has a trailer:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by moonlight_tsarina »

Offline Vive_HIH_Aleksey

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2005, 09:26:03 PM »
I stand corrected!

I was talking about this thread to my dear friend Marsha, who is a skating fan (and has seen Hellboy).

She said:

Marsha: lol, Michelle has landed a triple axel in practice when she was 13
Marsha: it's on a tape somewhere.  
Marsha: but that was long time ago, she trained the triple axel when she was 15-16 and it threw off the timing of her double axel really badly. 97' season she missed that jump often if I remember correctly.  
Marsha: but I doubt that she has even thought about a 3a in 5 years.

My thanks to her for pointing that out to me.
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2005, 06:40:03 PM »
Hello all
   I was just thinking about a tv program from America (it's a few years) old called Northern Exposure There was a charming and entirely silly Anastasia episode.
    The story is told with characters from the com sit taking on the role of certain historical figures in a rather dreamy setting - The premise is that  'Anastasia' having excaped to Alaska - attempts a reconcilitation with Lenin's struggling Bolshevic government ... Its full of hilarious 'in jokes', such as Lenin agreeing with another character - Trotsky perhaps (?) - that "that Stalin fellow is useless - a real lunatic." and references to the NEP, the "myth" of limited food supplies "There is no hunger in Soviet Russia comrade"  ;), and other events of the time

Did anyone here see it - or am I the only one. :-/



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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2007, 06:32:36 PM »
 I saw a repeat of one of the episodes some time ago on Lady Jane Grey. As I was going thru IMDB I found a list for the program. It seems that during their 2nd season in 1953-54 they did an episode on the Day Rasputin Was Murdered.


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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2007, 01:04:55 PM »
Has anyone seen the episode where Martin finds the bear clock, and is told it once belonged to the Romanov family, and Frasier and Niles think they're Romanovs? I have just started watching this show, and like it very much, so I about died laughing during this entire episode. I just wondered if anyone else had seen it and enjoyed it as much as I did.

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Re: Odd Places To Find Romanovs - TV Series - Comedy Shows - Movies
« Reply #44 on: July 06, 2007, 02:22:44 PM »
I thought that was one of the best episodes of the series. I thought the characters of Frasier and Niles were hilarious convincing themselves that they were related to the russian aristocracy.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 02:24:38 PM by rgt9w »