The King is very close to both of them, I don't know who is his favourite sister, though. Doña Pilar is very bad-tempered, but she is also a very intelligent and amusing person. Margarita is very intelligent, an accomplished musician and a very sweet woman.
María del Pilar Alfonsa Juana Victoria Luisa Ignacia de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Borbón, infanta of Spain and duchess of Badajoz, was born on July 30th, 1936, in Cannes, France. She married on May 6th, 1967, Luis Gómez-Acebo y Estrada (23/12/1934, Madrid- 9/3/1991, Madrid). They had 5 children: Simoneta (b.1968), Juan Filiberto (b. 1969), Bruno (b. 1971), Beltrán (b. 1973) and Fernando (b. 1974).
Margarita María de la Victoria Esperanza Jacoba Felicidad de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Borbón, infanta of Spain and duchess of Soria and Hernani, was born on March 6th, 1939, in Rome, Italy. She married doctor Carlos Zurita y Delgado (9/10/1943, Málaga) on October 12th, 1972. They have 2 children: Alfonso (b.1973) and María (b. 1975).