HH Princess Mariléne will open the new Ronald McDonald Childrens Sportcentre,Amsterdam this afternoon.An
initiative of the Ronald McDonald Children Fund.Such wonderfull work they do,really is,humbling to see
what it does to the children who are chronicly ill.Both the Princess and Prince Maurits have been volunteering
at the Ronald McDonald house of the VU University Medical Center for wee cancer patients.Heartbreaking,
I loose it when I see children suffer,and still smile,truly humbling.
The Princess has a part-time job at the Rijksmuseum,Amsterdam while the Prince has his own Advisory agency "The Source"
and was appointed by the government to promote electric cars for which he now is in China where they have a huge plant
and fast growing interest in these vehicles.
The Prince is the eldest son of HRH Princess Margriet and Prof.mr.Pieter van Vollenhoven,and as he married Mariléne
with the consent of the government he is still in line to the Throne until his cousin Alexander will be Monarch.