Author Topic: PAST LIFE? OR COINCIDENCE?  (Read 25077 times)

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« on: October 17, 2005, 10:00:00 PM »
I first grew interested with the Romanovs as a 7 year old, when my grandmother, who owned an antique shop, gave me a Russian Easter Egg from Peter Faberge's collection, a priceless piece, of course.
Prior to this, I had no knowledge whatsoever to the Romanov dynasty, Russia, or any bloody massacres. I do remember that before and after that gift, I had always had dreams of playing with this family in scenic lakes:
a little flash of a sailor suit-it sounds fake, but is not-a
boy with pink cheeks and blonde hair, always merry, his parents, who were always discussing something imporant, and lots of pets. Mostly, I dreamed with the boy, but sometimes I would find a group of girls giggling together along the shores.  
THe faberge egg my grandmother had given me played an old Russian folksong when you opened it, no one quite adored it as I did. As I grew up, my grand mother parted with her Russian antiques or books and handed them down for me to cherish and keep.
I got my first book when I was merely 10 years old, by then reading tremendous amounts and playing the piano at top speed for my age. Every person I met claimed that I was an 'old soul', too wise and grief-stricken for my age. I had a look in my blue eyes which were as if I had lived  and knew about a great many things. I ignored it and called these casual ramblings off.
Meanwhile, I took to copying down the Russian alphabets from my grandmothers books. I compared how many symbols there were in a Russian word to an English word and deciphering these clues, storing each fragment by memory. Soon, I coul write the Russian alhpabet down, very quickly, for I was gifted at school, and using the Russian alphabet in secret notes to my friends during classes. They struggled with this foreign tongue while I merely scribbled things down out of memory,  and correctly.
One day, as I was surfing through the channels on my television, I came across a movie called Nicholas and Alexandra. Hence, my obsession dawned. Of course, with my atrocious luck, I only catched the later half of the movie, but was not lost, anyway, in some abnormal way. Every day, after I saw that movie, I was haunted by sudden shedding too many tears to count, for no possible reason. I was diagnosed with depression, and I knew why.
I went to Barnes and Nobles and looked through historical Romanov books. There, I found a picture of the real royal family. They were so beautiful. I brought it and showed it to my grandmother first. She exclaimed, I looked like them she said.
I was puzzled, for how could I? Alright, well my family does have distant royal bloodlines from Alfonso the King of Spain, but that surely wasn't enough for me to resemble OTMA.
I took the book to my school one day, asking for my friends to be honest, who did I look like out of OTMA?! Mostly everyone says I look most like Marie, having her eyes, along with Aleksey's eyes, the color of blue, and the sisters' hair. I have Marie's mouth and chin, her eyebrows, and Olga's high cheekbones. My nose is that of Marie's also. I have a passion for classical music and history, whereas no one from my generation cares. Teachers claim that I am of 'higher class' than their other students, not by social status, but how I carry myself.
My last inquiry is that of my cursive. Almost all the students at school dont have the shadow of a doubt that I write cursive the most exquisiteley. I do not practice tremendously, maybe a few curly cues here and there, but not often. Y
et, I believe in reencarnation and if that is the case, then ...I consider myself a Romanov.

Offline Douglas

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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 10:13:46 PM »
Dearest Duchess # 5,

You are about  person number two hundred that have posted on this site claiming to be a re-incarnated Romanov.  Congratulations!

There are more Romanovs on this website than ever lived in Russia at any one time.

I am beginning to think that we are all related to the Imperial family in some way however distant and improbable.

On the Topic  called Claimants we are royal and  you are welcome to join us if you so desire.  Being a Romanov is almost a full time job.  It is a lot of fun but it is hard work...what with all the duties and places we have to visit.

Right now a certain lady calling herself "Tiddles" keeps calling the palace and asking for myself.  We have yet to actually speak.

Tsar Doug

Offline Holly

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« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 09:59:41 AM »
I understand where your coming from. I have a similar story and I do look just like Marie. Sounds like we are alot alike. I am just like Anastasia in more than one one way and it seems like if anyone were her in a past-life, that it would be me. But, I had to realize that there are  others that feel the same way and it is simply not realistic. I know it is difficult and by posting this you will probably be really hurt by comments that users will post here. If you want to talk about it you can PM me anytime.
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 11:12:29 AM »
hey, its me again. holly, i guess that there really are many people like us claiming to be reincarnated Romanovs, but it really does not matter for me if it is true or not, I just feel a special connection towards them that is indescribable, which I am sure you know how it feels!!  ;)

Offline Douglas

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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 12:11:58 PM »
Dear Number Five:

I know how you feel.  I consider myself the Tsar.  The top job for the Romanovs.  

I look upon you as one of our treasured Romanovs.

We all have to hang together.

Before I became the Tsar I was in Hollywood show business.

I gave that up to be the Tsar.  It was a good thing,  as I was not getting any parts in the movies.  It seemed that the directors were not interested in someone who could  tap dance and who's acting was a bit over dramatic.

My best to you and keep in touch via this thread.  Hope all is well with you today and have a great day.

Tsar Doug


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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 01:03:07 PM »
I read "To Save Russia" by Donald Norsic, and started corresponding with him. We've now been writing back and forth for years - in fact, I got a letter from him yesterday to advise that his book is being reissued through a new publisher.

If you're going to believe that anybody is the reincarnation of a Romanov, I would probably start with him. Read the book (the original edition - evidently the upcoming edition will have most of the detailed hypnosis transcripts removed at the editor's insistence.) and see why. He covers every base, and you can tell from the book that he isn't trying to pull anything over on you. He's just trying to figure things out. He's now 100% convinced that he was Nicholas, and I can't say I blame him.

The reason I first wrote to him is because of an experience I had in high school. We began studying Russia in history class, and it triggered a dream. In the dream I was floating on the ceiling - I was NOT part of the experience at all - and I knew what was coming. They were all lined up, that beautiful Romanov family, and the executioners were facing them. I was waiting for it, expecting it - it was inevitable - and it happened. The gunfire, and the deaths.

I woke up like a shot, shaken, feeling as if I was reexperiencing something real. I was shaken for days afterward, and forever after felt a very deep connection to the Romanovs. My history textbook did NOT have a picture of the cellar where they were murdered, but when I watched a documentary years later, the pictures it showed were exactly what I'd witnessed in the dream. I wanted to explore this, so I wrote Donald Norsic a letter.

In his book, through hypnosis transcripts, Norsic says the actual Romanovs did not die in that cellar in July, 1917. For political reasons, a family of imposters was used publicly (I refer to them as the "Romanesques"), while the real Romanovs were secretly shuttled by train across Russia. The fake Tsar's last words in that cellar were, "But you're making a mistake!" The actual execution took place the following November, just outside of the train somewhere in Siberia.

I developed a theory about everything because of that dream. I know with absolute certainty that I was NOT a part of the whole Romanov and/or Russian experience, although I could conceivably use the dream as "proof" that I was one of them, or at least one of the Romanesques or one of the executioners. I could presume that the fact that I "clicked" with the Tsar and have been pen pal friends with him for years is proof that I was with him then in some capacity. But I know I wasn't. In the dream, I was "on the ceiling" and I was looking down at them. At the same time, I don't think it was just a dream. I have a sense that I reexperienced something real that night. I may have been tuned into the Romanesques, rather than the Romanovs, but I felt as if I were there.

I used to watch John Edward, the psychic medium, and began studying him for clues about what's going on, or MAY be going on in the afterlife. From what he describes we're all living in the equivalent of the Big Brother House, and anyone - friend or stranger - can tune into us from the Other Side and see exactly what we're doing. We, the people who are alive, are the "reality TV" for the spirits who crossed over.

If all that is true, it makes sense to me that famous people draw the biggest audience for the same reason people are interested in Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but NOT Mary Jones and her boyfriend Tom, who left his wife Jane in Oakland, to be with her. I theorize that hoards of souls (myself included) were glued to the situation in Russia during the Romanov era, and followed it like addicts, and know every detail in sketchy memories that can resurface in dreams and so forth.

Hoards of these people are born, recalling vivid, verifiable details of the Romanovs. This does not mean they were once Romanovs themselves. This may just mean they're soap opera junkies who followed the story of the Romanovs through to the bloody end. It's very real to them - so are the characters of soap operas to some people - but it isn't proof they were one of them.

I theorize that this is also the case with nearly EVERYONE who claims a famous past life.

Donald Norsic has definitely found Alexei, his son. He writes about this in his book. He has also identified most of the Romanov girls, and is very certain he knows who Alexandra is (he waxes lyrical whenever he mentions her!), though she doesn't believe it, as I understand it. He even found Rasputin, and corresponded with him until the man's death. He periodically receives letters from people claiming to be Romanovs, but really, the Romanovs are all together again with the exception of Anastasia, I believe.

So, anyway, that's my theory. All these reincarnated Romanovs may have real memories, but they may be recalling a situation they actively watched but did not participate in. It's worth considering, I think.

Offline Margarita Markovna

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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 01:13:42 PM »
Yea over on that thread I'm a GD too. It is a hard job as HIH Tsar Doug said, but fortunately I don't have to give up show biz as he did!


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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 01:22:33 PM »
To Tsar Douglas:
My long lost father of all Russias!!
I have been searching to have a session with a phsycologist for a reencarnation session. I'll post the results,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Russian_Duchess_#5 »

Offline Douglas

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« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 01:29:06 PM »
See what I mean, Duchess Sofia, post yesterday and another dear Romanov posts today.  

I tell you, there is no end to all of the wonderful Romanovs we have found on this site.

Watch tomorrow and more Romanovs will be posting  about  their dreams and such.  Isn't it great.....better than any silly soap opera.  This is real life and we all live it.


Tsar Doug and the  Romanovs


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« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 01:38:14 PM »
Thanks, to Douglas and the Romanovs that live on. I shall visit this every day, promise!! Keeping in touch,


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« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2005, 07:09:39 PM »

Highly interesting theory, and it sounds probably more plausible than anything else.

Seeing as how "you" only have one post in this form, by your penname, am I to assume that you've penned under different pseudonyms?  You seem to have more than a passing acquaintance with this forum.



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« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2005, 07:20:28 PM »
I think that if all those persons who felt an afinity with Alix/Nicholas or their family were to suggest that they were a particular person.... then we would have tens of thousands of Alix's, thousands of Nicky's and hundreds of thousands of Olgas, millions of  Tatiannas/Maries and hundreds of thousands of Anastatsias running about.  ;) ;) :D


Maybe its true... But I have very serious doubts...

not a reincarnated Romanov ;) :) ;) :)

Offline Merrique

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« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2005, 08:12:09 PM »
I'm not a reincarnated Romanov,I am a Romanov I swear.My great grandmother was Anastasia and she was half cherokee too(thats a little known secret that most people don't know) ;D

That makes me a grand duchess right Tsar Doug? :-*
Don't knock on Death's door....ring the doorbell and run. He hates that.:D

Offline Margarita Markovna

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« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2005, 09:45:42 PM »
Don't give up the stage for a title, though, I don't know if it would be worth it. I mean, HIH Tsar Doug was in 42'd Street (was that it??) or something...he was BIG in Hollywood... ;)

Offline Douglas

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« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2005, 11:27:02 PM »
Dearest Merrique:

I not sure that just because Anastasia was your GG that that qualifies you to be a GD.  

I'll check into it tomorrow if I have some free time.

Most GD's qualify to be a GD if they have NO Russian blood at all.

The fact that you are part Native American certainly does qualify you to be of the Russian Nobility for sure.

 At the very least you would be considered to be a Russian Princess or even possibly Countess.  I am very sure of this.

In my own case I qual. to be Tsar because I am not Russian at all, as most Tsar were not Russian and for many other reasons, too numerous to tell about tonight.

Tsar Doug.....looking after our new Cherokee Russian Countess!!

:D ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »