Well, I am so sorry if I am new to the WWW!! I should be punished for my crime, right??
My statement on contribution derived from this forum. Maybe you should have read the rules before you became a member!!
These smileys are a fun way to express your feelings.
What else would you have liked me to write??
(mad face, mad face, mad face, mad face)

I never claimed I was a Romanov. I just made this thread because I wanted to know others thoughts and feelings.
I would like to know how intellectual you could be....
Did you meet the President of the USA because of the superiority og your FCAT scores??
Are you considered a college level student when you are only in seventh grade??
I just never understood why this thread was so funny to you, Mr. Cheer??
Your response was not contributional because you did not supply any valuable information for the public.
Yes, your opinion matters, but if you dont have anything nice to say, like calling this thread "silly" and taunting my thoughts as funny, then dont say anytihng at all.
Other people probably though the same thing you did, that this thread was silly, but did thay post that?? No.
I mean, really, show some regards to people's feelings.
Sorry if I sound mad, but I am. Usually, I only do this in the spur of the moment. Maybe I misunderstood your comment and took it as an insult.
Dont think I wont use a smiley in this reply:

