In 1848, in Northern Italy, broke out in Milan a Revolution to expel the Austrians. Leopold and his brother-in-law, Carlo Alberto of Savoy, helped the revolutionaries and sent their armies. In Florence, the Lorrain flag was changed with the Italian flag and people was very excited: Antonietta sewed clothes for the soldiers. But, when it was evident that Carlo Alberto only wanted to conquer Milan to enlarge his domains, Leopold withdrew troops. But the Florentine Aristocracy, linked to the nobility of Savoy, was unsatisfied, while the democrats wanted Italian unification. In this caos, Leopold, who was a pacifist, didn't want to continue the war. While the hostile democrats proclamed the Republic, Leopold and Antonietta went to Gaeta, receveid by Ferdinand II and the Pope. Antonietta, who feared for the throne of his son, became very reactionary, influenced by her brother. So she advised Leopold to get help from Austrians. The Austrian troops defeted the revolutionaries and Leopold could return to his throne.
The life returned to normal in Florence, Leopold was yet loved and he continued to reclaim marshes and govern well. While Antonietta, the sister of the "Tyrant of Naples", became unloved in the aristocratic and bourgeois circles.
Ten years later war broke out between Piedmont and Austria. Leopold's two nephews, Vittorio Emanuele and Franz Joseph, asked help to their uncle, but the old Grand Duke didn't want bloodshed. Florentine aristocracy was in contact with Savoy aristocracy; so they organized a "revolution". On 27 April 1859, at 9 o' clock am, in Piazza Maria Antonia (Maria Antonia's Square), was waving the tricolor and began a peaceful march towards Pitti Palace. Aristocrats pretended the entry into the war and the abdication of Leopold, but he didn't want it. But he didn't want to use force, because he loved too his people and his city. Moved by honor, he couldn't abdicate, so unwillingly decided to leave Florence. Leopold, Antonietta and all their family, at 6 pm, left the city by chariot, getting out through Boboli door, heading toward Bologna. The people greeted with affection "Goodbye daddy Leopold! Be careful!". Leopold and Antonietta was crying. They went in Austria, but some years later they return in Italy, in Rome. Leopold died in Rome in 1870 shortly before the city was occupied. Antonietta and their children returned to Austria. Her youngest and beloved son Johann became very friend with the Crownprince Rudolf, his cousin. After Mayerling, Johann renounced to his title and departed on a boat; disappeared at sea. Antonietta refused to believe that her son was dead and she continued to seek him (some criminals managed to steal money from her with false informations). Annually Antonietta returned to Rome to pray at the grave of her husband; once she stopped in Florence and people warmly welcomed her. Antonietta died on 7 November 1898 at Schloss Orth, Gmunden, Austria. In Florence there was a solemn Mass in her memory with the greatest participation.
PS: please, forgive my grammatical errors.