Wonderful! Having Olga's diaries from 1914-1917 is a great privilege and I would love to see the same thing happen for TMA. Any diaries available to us - I want!
Tatiana's book coming up very soon https://www.facebook.com/DiaryOfOlgaRomanovRoyalWitness/photos/pb.113360175379921.-2207520000.1412356113./757609894288276/?type=3&theater
Been waiting for this book to come out. It is exciting to know more about the so-called "Real daughter of a Tsar", a nickname which might give disillusions about her, because... she's one funny person, too! I wonder if this book would further prove or break that image of her.
As always Ms. Azar, we'll be patient for this and tons of good luck to you!