As I am such a sucker for this doomed romance, I couldn't wait to get the new issue of Gilbert's Royal Digest since they were doing an article on it. They had some quotes from letters the Kaiser wrote which are so touching (and more candid than one might have thought):
1875: Wilhelm wrote to his mother how 'very much grown' Ella was and how she is'my special pet'...she 'is exceedingly beautiful; in fact she is the most beautiful girl, I ever saw.'.....'I think that if God grants that I may live till then I shall make her my bride once if you allow it.'
1879: when Ella injured her foot and was confined to a sofa, Willy sat and her foot and read to her
1884: for wedding at Darmstadt of VMH he wrote about 'his very mixed feelings...' about being in Darmstadt and how 'the thought of those many happy days spent in peaceful friendship and love..meant that I was unable to devote myself completely to the loud rejoicing by the many young people present.'...he 'bade farewell to the dear rooms [of the Neue Palais]...for the close circle was gathered together yesterday for the last time and has been torn asunder for
ever more!' [perhaps because of Ella's impending marriage 2 mos later]...'I left with a heavy heart'.
1905: VMH noted that Willy [who met her at Berlin station while she was en route to Russia to comfort Ella following Serge's murder] 'had shown grave concern for Elizabeth'
1910: Ella visited Darmstadt and Willy, unable to resist the temptation, made an unexpected visit to the family reunion
These were some details I hadn't heard before. I've always been one of those who pined over the 'what might have been' aspect. I believe (and no one try to change my mind it won't work!

) that Ella could've been such a good influence on W and he couldn't have been a worse husband than Serge. If only she could've seen past the bombast, I think she really could've brought out the good qualities he had (and I think he had a LOT that could've been nurtured by the right wife) and helped tamp down his bad ones. And her life might've been so different (I know, I know, fate probably worked it the way it was supposed to) but she may have had even more good as German Empress. Dona, blah. Vicky's life might've been so much better too if Ella could've worked the magic that Irene did on Henry. Just so poignant, the thought of Wilhelm keeping that picture on his desk his whole life.