I am sure that there were many young men who did admire Ella among the Romanovs, did you have some ideas on who might have? She was more approachable than her sister Alexandra, who the Romanovs and the court never really liked, despite her great beauty. She was simply cold. By contrast, Ella radiated warmth, and was much more approachable than her sister, and was just as beautiful as her if not more so. I don't think Nicholas ever admired Ella though, because he had his eyes on Alexandra since he was very young. Another youthful crush of his was Toria of Wales, another cousin. I have never read of Ella as being mentioned. Ella when she first arrived in Russia hadn't really found herself yet, but she was still indeed a great beauty, and maybe seemed to the Romanovs to have more in common with them than later, after Sergei's death. But, I think Ella fitted in well.