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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #180 on: October 22, 2006, 10:52:54 PM »
Fritz was Augusta's grandson as well, not her nephew. He was her daughter Louise's son. Augusta was extremely put out that Ella didn't see fit to accept the suits of either of her grandsons and was quite nasty about it to the Hesse family.
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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #181 on: October 23, 2006, 02:55:02 AM »
Indeed...According to VMH she actually cut both her & Ella dead when they next met in Berlin.  :(

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #182 on: October 23, 2006, 11:39:30 AM »
Augusta was rather guastly and spiteful. I've not read a good thing about her. So mean after Princess Alice died too. My sympathies, as ever, lay with Vicky!!
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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #183 on: October 23, 2006, 04:02:30 PM »
I'm not a fan but I have read some good things. She was very intelligent--probably, like Vicky, too intelligent for the position she was put in. Also like Vicky, she was disliked at Court for her brains and her more liberal tendencies--she seems to have been the one that Fritz took after in this respect. Queen Victoria was a very good friend of hers. I think that she was embittered by her treatment and, unlike Vicky, she didn't have the love and support of a devoted husband. Wilhelm had wanted to marry Elise Radziwill and never got over her. He made no attempt to forge a successful, harmonious union with Augusta--it was a cold, loveless match. It seems to have shrivelled her soul quite a bit. I find her more of a pathetic figure of wasted potential rather than one I dislike.
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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #184 on: October 23, 2006, 09:52:31 PM »
True, however Augusta never warmed towards Vicky, even though they shared ideas about liberalism in Prussia. She was mean to Vicky although she was suppose to be her mother's friend. After Fritz's death, she went to Willy's camp and desert her daughter-in-law in her greatest need. A cold and culculating woman.  >:(

Offline ashanti01

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #185 on: January 16, 2007, 12:12:09 AM »
I was re-reading some of my Romanov books and as I read through them I couldn't help but wonder if there were a few admires among the young Romanov men who had "crushes" on Ella at one point or another. She was a very stunning person to look upon and one can only wonder what it must been like to know her when she first arrived in Russia.

Sandro called her one of the "mad devotions of his youth" in his book. Rumors that Grand Duke Paul had a crush on Ella for a brief time have been commented on in the past on the board.

Maybe it's just me, but is it possible that Nicholas II may have had a bit of a crush on Ella? Reading some his early dairy entries could suggest it however considering the time it was written, maybe he was just being a very affectionate nephew? It wouldn't seem too far fetched to me but then again there could have been other admirers I have yet to hear about.

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #186 on: January 16, 2007, 11:25:35 AM »
 I am sure that there were many young men who did admire Ella among the Romanovs, did you have some ideas on who might have? She was more approachable than her sister Alexandra, who the Romanovs and the court never really liked, despite her great beauty. She was simply cold. By contrast, Ella radiated warmth, and was much more approachable than her sister, and was just as beautiful as her if not more so. I don't think Nicholas ever admired Ella though, because he had his eyes on Alexandra since he was very young. Another youthful crush of his was Toria of Wales, another cousin. I have never read of Ella as being mentioned. Ella when she first arrived in Russia hadn't really found herself yet, but she was still indeed a great beauty, and maybe seemed to the Romanovs to have more in common with them than later, after Sergei's death. But, I think Ella fitted in well.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #187 on: January 16, 2007, 05:51:42 PM »
     It could be possible that grand dukes in the Russia feel in love with Ella. During the 1870's-1890's when she was young in her teenage years and adult years. She is a true beauty I like her heart it is caring and sweet. I like Ella so much. I think she was the most beautiful girl out of the other three Hesse sisters Victoria,Irene and Alix.  I do not think Nicholas realy feel in love with her but he like her as a freind and family member but not loved like Alix and their five children were. She was four years older than him and she is his aunt. I think Nicholas would have stayed deeply in love with Alix since her liked her so much. But I know for a fact that Ella disliked the fake holy man Rasputin she knew he was fake. As she got older in 1905 to 1918 she began Holy Orders as a nun. I do not think she was concerned about marriage and falling in love but just devotion, detication, respect, religous, and charity since she was a Eastern Orthodox nun.  :)

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #188 on: January 17, 2007, 12:43:12 PM »
She was indeed the most admired of Princesses who married in, in my opinion. Many of the other Princesses were plain, and dull. They did not captivate. But, Ella with her beauty both inside and outside was captivating, and she was an easy Princess to admire. She could have married anyone, but she chose to marry Sergei, perhaps not the most glittering match, yet he was a Romanov. She did have some concern for marriage and love, because when she was younger, she was not as into some of those things you mentioned as she later was. But, her idea of marriage and love weren't the conventional ideas of many princesses. She was one of the more appealing princesses in Europe when she was young.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #189 on: January 17, 2007, 06:00:06 PM »
 I totally agree with you imperial angel most princesses in Europe back then did look dull and plain. But I think that Ella, Alice of the United Kingdom( second daughter of Queen Victoria) Alix and her daughters are the prettiest princesses I seen yet for Europe. But I think that Ella and her neice Maria are the beauties of Europe during that time. But today Queen Elizabeth II in her early adulthood years looked plain instead of being a beauty. Princess Diana does not look like a beauty in my opinion she is just normal plain and dull looking. She do not look or dress like a royal. To me she looks like a normal person. I think she is tomboy. ;D


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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #190 on: January 17, 2007, 08:04:00 PM »
Yes...Ella was definitely a beauty that broke a lot of hearts (chief among them was Kaiser Bill).  ;)

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #191 on: January 18, 2007, 08:38:40 AM »
Could someone post a list of all her admirers? ( though, that might be quite a list). I think you are right about her and the Kaiser, he certainly is her most well known admirer. Ella was just the sweetest princess of that era, and I think many of the rumours of her marriage begun because people could not see beyond her outside as a beautiful, fairytale princess, to what she was inside, and what she wanted out of a marriage.


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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #192 on: January 18, 2007, 08:55:02 PM »
Indeed ! After Serge's death, it was rumoured that there are some interested to marry her... ???

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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #193 on: January 22, 2007, 05:36:36 PM »
If you know more about that, please post. I do know that she herself had no interest, and that the thought never crossed her mind. She did become rather fond of Prince Nicholas of Greece during her marriage, but I think she always happier with Sergei than more ordinary men.


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Re: Grand Duchess and other possible suitors - what if..
« Reply #194 on: January 22, 2007, 08:08:21 PM »
Yes...Ella herself did not look at that option at all...although there were those who would have married her in a second. It was the church for her after Serge... :(