From everything I've read, she wasn't too keen on it. I think there were a couple of other names floated by Wilhelm and Fritz were the most notable. She was engaged fairly early (around 19) and married at 20 so many prospects were probably just in the 'casually mentioned' stage.
Two other admirers included Lord Charles Montagu, the second son of the 7th Duke of Manchester, and Henry Wilson, later a distinguished soldier. Montagu's mother was the famous German-born 'Double Duchess' (of Manchester and then Devonshire) Countess Luise Friederike Auguste von Alten. His brother-in-law was the Duke of Hamilton (descended like 'good Fritz' from the Badens--Hamilton's mother was Princess Marie of Baden) and his sister-in-law was the famously welathy Consuelo Iznaga. Henry Wilson, like his early crush Ella, would meet a violent end--assassinated by the IRA in 1922. Interestingly, one of his military assignments took him to Russia on the eve of the Russian Revolution where he met the Tsar and toured some of the larger cities, worried about the food shortages. He's buried in St Paul's Cathedral.
Even Wilhelm's feelings have been somewhat exaggerated, I think. He certainly had all the passion of an early love but he also moved on pretty quickly, no matter what he later said. And Ella WAS only 14 at the time--much like George V's early love of his cousin Marie of Edinburgh. In August 1878, Wilhelm switched his affections to Dona and in May 1879, Wilhelm, in a letter to his Aunt Augusta flatly denied he'd ever been interested in Ella. Letters also seem to indicate the Hessians were much more in favor of this match than previously speculated whereas Vicky was dead-set against it because of the closeness of their relationship (and commissioned a study about the possibility of first cousin relationships bringing hemophilia into the family--something that would play out with Henry & Irene though their closeness didn't cause the disease). Alice, Fritz and the Prussian grandparents were pro-Ella/Willy while Vicky and his Aunt Helena (also aunt to Dona) were pro-Dona. One more thing for the family to squabble over!