Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families
Books on the Balkan Royals
Any other books bio?
Bulgaria Roayal family,Yugoslavia,Serbia.Montenegro,Albania,Rumunia?Greece?
Thank you
--- Quote from: newfan on July 12, 2010, 10:39:15 AM ---Hello
Lets bring this section back to life please, and love to hear about more books on Balkan Royalty
The" Nikola and Milena " is a great book indeed.
--- End quote ---
i have it, it wonderful but the book its self is a mess up copy i found it under $ 40 dollars, i guess a good price for a damaged book.
Is the book out ofd print ?
The Hohenzollern Case File--has anyone heard anything about this book?
"The family this book is concerned with needs little introduction. The Hohenzollerns have played an historic role that few royal houses can rival. The dynasty’s princes have long been at the heart of European affairs and it was only the post-war settlement that removed the last Hohenzollern ruler from a European throne - the Romanian in 1947. The Hohenzollern Case File sheds new light on a historic royal dispute fought out in Romania and Germany; and a notorious legal battle filled with intrigue and suspense. Royalty Magazine Editor Marco Houston found himself at the centre of the storm - as defendant, eye-witness and unwitting participant in a battle for dynastic rights and political ambitions. The Hohenzollern Case File uncovers the events that changed royal history. From Schloss Sigmaringen to the Royal Courts of Justice, from the White House to the race for the Romanian presidency, an extraordinary drama filled with accusations of conspiracy, forgery, perjury and attempts to pervert the course of justice is revealed."
I recognize Marco Houston's name from Royalty Magazine and the photobook on Nikola & Milena of Montenegro so I'm thinking he has some standing as a royal historian? Yet I'm getting the sense of tawdriness from this, I don't know why.
Is this book available now ?
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