Here is the list of Japanese Fictional Stories Based on the Legend of Anastasia. Hope you'll find that Japan is interested in the story of Anastasia...
[In the order of Published Year, The Name of Author, Novel/Short Story, The title of the Work]
1919 Kikuchi Kan. Short Story, Tatiana Hime [Grand Duchess Tatiana]
1928 Yumeno Kyusaku. Short Story, Shigo no koi [The Love after Death]
1989 Yoko Yamazaki. Novel, Yokohama Hisoku Carta [The Game with the Color, Grey-Blue in Yokohama]
1991 Yutaka Maya. Novel, Tsubasa aru yami [The Darkness with Wings]
1994 Reito Nikaido. Novel, Akuryo no yakata [The House of Devils]
1999 Yoko Yamazaki. Short Story, Anastasia: the Princess in the Dark in the book The Beautiful Women in Legends with Illusions
2000, February Yoko Ogawa. Short Story, Sosei [The Resurrection] in the book The Accidental Happiness
2000, October Takashi Atoda. Short Story, Shiroi-kani [The White Crab]
2000, November Nobuhito Takanuki. Novel, The Mysterious History in Russian Empire: The Crest of Double Eagle
2001 Soji Shimada. Novel, Russia Yurei Gunkan Jiken [The Russian Phantom Warship Case]
2002 Yoko Ogawa. Novel, Kifujin A no sosei [The Resurrection of Lady A]
The synopsis and reviews of them will come soon…There are also some works related to the story of Russian Imperial family.