Author Topic: Nicholas and Alexandra (1971)  (Read 286437 times)

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Offline Sarushka

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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #270 on: February 08, 2006, 08:42:46 PM »
I have to admit to something. I was practically on the floor in laughter. It was probably one of the most over-acted scenes in the movie and I kept thinking, "Surely the tsar was more of a man than this snivelling caricature. If not... then good riddance." I just cannot bring myself to believe that Nicholas was such a wimpish sort as this ridiculous portrayal.

LOL. I'll confess as well: I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh when Alexandra knelt down on the carpet just a couple feet away and reached for Nicholas, but didn't move her sorry tush even half an inch toward him... ::) That was overdone.

I do believe Nicholas could have broken down when he finally reached the safety of his home & family though.

The abdication/reunion scenes in the Russian film, Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya Semya were MUCH better, in my opinion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by sarahelizabethii »


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #271 on: February 08, 2006, 10:01:26 PM »

What I wanted to say Lovy was, are you looking for agreement of what has transpired in a movie, as to actual historical evidence of what transpired between her IH A, her husband his IH N, and Rasputin ?

One should not quote, nor pass on to others what one sees in an exchange offered from Hollywood. If you look on other threads regarding Rasputin, and their IH you might find what other posters have offered on this very subject matter.

Bottom line though, there is no further thought for you to suspect that there was any romantic affiliations between Rasputin or her IH A. Her IH A loved only here husband. She remained true to him to the very end !


Hey, do you people think that this movie implies that Alexandra did have an affair with Rasputin? Remember the scene where Alexandra is looking out the window as her husband and son go on a horse ride, then this scary music comes up and Rasputin comes in? Alexandra gives like a sly smile, walks up to him very closely and kisses his cross. Then they just look at each other and the scene breaks off. Is that implying that they did have an affair? The music and Alix's look on her face did look rather suspicious.  :o
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 10:17:05 AM by Alixz »


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #272 on: February 08, 2006, 10:58:37 PM »
Sorry, I'm not saying I believe that Alexandra and Rasputin did have an affair. I believe the opposite COMPLETELY!!! Look at topics I posted. You'll see I'm a big fan of the love story and I most definitely believed that Alexandra loved only her husband. And yes, you're right. Movie makers just want to get people excited and all that stuff. If you look at my topic 'Did Alexandra ever argue with Nicholas?', I asked a question and we all agreed that the fight N & A had was just way too exaggerated.


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #273 on: February 08, 2006, 11:09:24 PM »
Coudn't agree with you more, Sarushka!

Sure, Nicholas and Alexandra cried when Nicholas returned home after the abdication. But it wasn't like ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... sort of crying, like big babies. I found it REALLY overdone when then Alexandra knelt down and reached for Nicholas, and then they both cried. So over-reaction! And when Nicholas was crying Alexandra didn't even go up to him. He was crying BADLY, that I was like: "Oh, my God." And his face was going completely red!

The real thing was when Nicholas returned home and he and his wife gave each other a nice, big bear hug. Alexandra, crying, told Nicholas that the husband and father was infinitely more precious to her than the tsar whose throne she had shared. Nicholas cried on her breast, but definitely not as much as the movie makers made him!


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #274 on: February 08, 2006, 11:15:51 PM »
Tati-Fan, isn't this picture ...

actually Candace Glendenning, who plays Grand Duchess Marie?


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #275 on: February 09, 2006, 10:31:18 AM »

The abdication/reunion scenes in the Russian film, Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya Semya were MUCH better, in my opinion.

Is this film available with English subtitles?

And I do agree that this scene was overedone in N&A. I can see Nicky crying on Alix's shoulder but not to the extent it was done on the movie.  Nicholas II was not that wimpy.


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #276 on: February 09, 2006, 03:17:38 PM »
Let me just say that the scene of Nicky returning home from abdicating scared the point of view of a 10 year-old chldl (when i saw the movie)...I got really frightened....and I don't think that's a good compliment for the movie.  :-/
Overall, the most heart-breaking scene for me was when Nagorny was taken away from Aleksei.
Many people say that Roderic Noble was a very blank actor, but, no......he is the reason why that scene is so special.



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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #277 on: February 09, 2006, 03:55:43 PM »
I don't think this movie was meant for children at the age of ten. At least not in my country.

Offline Sarushka

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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #278 on: February 09, 2006, 04:14:46 PM »
Is this film available with English subtitles?

I don't believe so. But honestly, it's good enough to watch even if you don't speak Russian!


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #279 on: February 09, 2006, 06:31:07 PM »
I don't think this movie was meant for children at the age of ten. At least not in my country.

Well, I had already known about the Romanovs (I practically grew up with them) and I knew how the ending would be like. I also understood the movie perfectly.
I just found the scene I mentioned very unecessary. The producers, or screenwriters, probably thought it WAS necessary; it must have been a way to get the audience to understand what a suprememly horrible thing is to abdicate; well, in the Romanovs' shoes. Since the audience nowadays doesn't even KNOW what abdicating is.  ::)
Still; too much!
But, nevertheless; I was a very gifted 10 year-old.  ;)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Russian_Duchess_#5 »


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #280 on: February 10, 2006, 10:17:38 AM »
Overall, the most heart-breaking scene for me was when Nagorny was taken away from Aleksei.

Agreed. the first time I saw the movie that scene brought tears to my eyes.

And it still gets to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by RomanovFan318 »


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #281 on: February 10, 2006, 11:59:05 AM »
Yes, whoever played Nagorny was a very talented actor.



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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #282 on: February 10, 2006, 04:40:05 PM »
Tati-Fan, isn't this picture ...
actually Candace Glendenning, who plays Grand Duchess Marie?

No, that is Lynne Frederick, the actress who played Tatiana. This is Candace Glendenning:


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #283 on: February 10, 2006, 06:05:53 PM »
Oh, yes! My apologies...


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Re: Nicholas & Alexandra VHS & DVD
« Reply #284 on: February 10, 2006, 09:11:29 PM »
It's ok, Lynne Frederick does look very much like Marie. It would have been better if she played Marie, and Candace glendenning played Tatiana, seeing as Lynne Frederick was younger than candace glendenning. Also, candace looked alot like Tatiana.