I just started watching the movie which I downloaded from the internet and I am excited. I haven't seen it in full yet but the maginificance of the costumes, the palace as it would have looked back then, the majesty of the guards saluting the Tsar including the massive Nubian guards who guard the door to the inner sanctum of the palace, the grandeur of it all on film, is what excites me. The plot looks bad I agree with most of you (after all, it was 1971 and classics of the period aren't exactly perfectly executed plots) but I love it for the fact that we can actually see Nicholas and Alix and the children in action, the palace (yes the palace) and most of the key figures in the drama. For that, I am grateful to the makers of the movie. I can watch it again and again, never mind the plot. I feel I am back there in time, when I watch the scenes.