We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 6 of our royal biography series, In Memoriam!
IN MEMORIAM: The Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia (1847-1928).This is the sixth volume in our series and the largest by far. The book, which arrives in our office this coming Tuesday, is 90 pages and has 170 photos of her life, ancestors, descendants, her funeral, her reburial, etc...
Photos are both in black and white and color in glossy paper!
Here is a copy of the index:
Introduction, Presentation and Index............................................Page i
Childhood, Adolescence and Early Adulthood of
Princess Dagmar of Denmark................................…………….....Page 1
Empress Marie Feodorovna’s Life in Russia...............……….....Page 11
The Long Widowhood, Tragic War & Revolution.......................Page 29
A Painful Flight & Lonely Exile.....................................................Page 39
The Reburial of the Dowager Empress.........................................Page 49
The Genealogy of Empress Marie Feodorovna & Tsar
Alexander III of Russia and Their Descendants..........................Page 59
Illustrated Immediate Ancestry................................................Page 60
Nicholas II...........................................................................Page 62
George Alexandrovich.....................................................Page 63
Ksenia Alexandrovna.......................................................Page 64
Michael Alexandrovich....................................................Page 72
Olga Alexandrovna..........................................................Page 73
Illustrated Gallery of Marie Feodorovna’s Grandchildren........Page 76
Family Trees:
The Royal House of Denmark...............................................Page 77
The Imperial House of Russia...............................................Page 78
Ancestors' List of the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna
of Russia.............................................................................................Page 79
Advertisements.................................................................................Page 80
I am also attaching a copy of the front cover of this great book.
If you are interested in obtaining a copy, do not hesitate to email me privately at books@eurohistory.com or eurohistory@comcast.com and we can help you obtain one or however many you may want.
We ship worldwide!