Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian History
The First Romanov Tsar...
was Micheal Romanov...but wasn't he the nephew of Tsar Ivan the Terrible...by MARRIAGE? If that's the case wouldn't that mean that all the Tsars following would be rulers only by marriage too or were there other blood relations thanks to royalty's famous tactic of imbreeding?
Hello !
Well- Micheal was chosen as Tzar during the Time of Troubles, a particularly tragic period in Russian History. He was kin to Ivan's first wife the beloved Anastasia who may have died of poisoning, and this almost sentimental connection was seen as the most popular choice after all the other claiments had either been murdered or otherwize removed ...The Zemski Sobor (sort of a collection of Boyars) chose him with the Patriarchs blessing in 1613.
As far as inbreeding goes-- well sadly few royal houses today don't suffer from that to a certain extent. ;D
There is probably a lot of information about him at this website .
It's Michael, not Micheal.
Michael Romanov was the founder of the new dynasty - the Romanov dynasty - that ruled from 1613-1917. He was a compromise candidate. He had ties to the old regime - as a nephew of Anastasia Romanova, wife of Ivan the Terrible - and few ties to the boyar aristocracy. This was all very deliberate on the part of the Zemsky Sobor. Thus, the Romanovs ruled by virtue of their selection by the Zemsky Sobor, and not by marriages to anyone in particular.
The concept of royal imbreeding is also somewhat falacious, but too extensive to discuss here.
It's Mikhail, not Michael. ;D
How about we use the word inter-marriage or extensively related? There are a few us here that have difficulty with the term inter-breeding for many reasons.
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