I came across this tonight when I was scanning old magazines. It was from about 1905-1910 entitled Queens of Tomorrow.
"It has been supposed that the duties and dignities of empress would some day be laid upon the Archduchess Maria Josepha, the wife of Prine Otto, the younger brother of the heir apparent, but the recent death of her husband alters her future. She has made ready to reign, an equivocal queen. Indeed, already she has held court. It is to her that presentations have been made--when some kindly ambassador has sent in an 'application' on behalf of his pretty countrywomen. On these occasions the debutante is taken to the grande maitresse de la cour; then she is led up to royalty: 'Will your imperial highness deign graciously to accept the presentation of Miss Van-so-and-so of New York?'. A deep and reverent courtesy; perhaps the archduchess speaks a gracious word--but does not give her hand to be kissed. Blsuhing and content, Miss Van-so-and-so backs away, kicking her train with a pink slipper; and the make-believe empress, unsmiling, nods."