Is it just me or is someone else noticing the likeness between the Archduke Otto and Archduke Rudolph........
They do have some resemblance and there was that same funny thing they did with their hair.

They may have looked über-schön but they were also über-bad bad boys. One time there was a speech made in the Austrian Parliament by a Pernerstorfer about how some very exalted gentlemen stopped a funeral procession so they could jump over the coffin with their horses. Although Rudolf wasn't involved in this, he was incensed that anyone would dare attack the imperial family in parliament. Shortly afterwards, Pernerstorfer was given a savage thrashing in his home by 2 men and in her memoirs Stephanie claimed Rudolf wrote to her about his involvement in a letter:
"The police gave me an uncomfortable time; they have discovered the clues and also the regiment responsible for the thrashing! They did not find the men concerned since we planted one of them in southern Hungary and the other in Hercegovina. It took all my brazenness to extricate myself and Bolla from the affair." (Archduke Otto aka Bolla)