Dear Greg and Penny
I have recently finished reading your book and thank you for the amount of detail surrounding the final fate of the Romanovs.
I have an enormous interest in the decline of the Romanov dynasty which began after reading Robert Massies "Nicholas and Alexandra" when I was 14 years old. I have travelled to St Petersburg twice and amongst other things had the opportunity to view the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo during the restoration.
As the remains of Anastasia and the Tsarevitch Alexis remain unaccounted for I would be interested to know whether DNA testing has been completed on the remains of Anna Anderson, the so-called Anastasia claimant from the late 1920's - 1930's who I understand lived the latter part of her life in the USA? I don't recall any mention of this in your book. Whilst I am convinced that all the imperial children perished on July 16, 1918 it would at least resolve this part of the mystery.
As an aside, is Greg King the author of the recently published book on Sharon Tate and The Manson Family?
I look forward to hearing from you further.
Glenn Murray