Author Topic: The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilson  (Read 5935 times)

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The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilson
« on: April 02, 2004, 12:14:00 PM »
The web site is: It's about the book by Greg King and Penny Wilson. There's a lot of info there. ;D

Glenn Murray

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Re: The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilso
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2004, 06:27:21 AM »
Dear Greg and Penny

I have recently finished reading your book and thank you for the amount of detail surrounding the final fate of the Romanovs.

I have an enormous interest in the decline of the Romanov dynasty which began after reading Robert Massies "Nicholas and Alexandra" when I was 14 years old. I have travelled to St Petersburg twice and amongst other things had the opportunity to view the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo during the restoration.

As the remains of Anastasia and the Tsarevitch Alexis remain unaccounted for I would be interested to know whether DNA testing has been completed on the remains of Anna Anderson, the so-called Anastasia claimant from the late 1920's - 1930's who I understand lived the latter part of her life in the USA? I don't recall any mention of this in your book. Whilst I am convinced that all the imperial children perished on July 16, 1918 it would at least resolve this part of the mystery.

As an aside, is Greg King the author of the recently published book on Sharon Tate and The Manson Family?

I look forward to hearing from you further.

Glenn Murray


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Re: The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilso
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2004, 10:24:16 AM »
As the remains of Anastasia and the Tsarevitch Alexis remain unaccounted for I would be interested to know whether DNA testing has been completed on the remains of Anna Anderson, the so-called Anastasia claimant from the late 1920's - 1930's who I understand lived the latter part of her life in the USA? I don't recall any mention of this in your book. Whilst I am convinced that all the imperial children perished on July 16, 1918 it would at least resolve this part of the mystery.

Hi Glenn!

We didn't include any information on Anastasia Manahan (AKA Anna Anderson, although this was a name she never used) in FOTR because her story was beyond the narrowish scope of our subject.  Without a doubt, the best biography of her was written by Peter Kurth in the early 80s, and is called "Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna."  This book covers her life right up to within a couple of years of her death -- in 1994, DNA taken from a piece of her tissue extracted during an operation in the 70s was matched to the Romanov DNA as extracted by FSS Labs in the UK.  The result of this match seems to support the hypothesis that Anastasia Manahan was not Grand Duchess Anastasia.

As an aside, is Greg King the author of the recently published book on Sharon Tate and The Manson Family?

Yes, the bio of Sharon Tate is one of Greg's books.


Matt from Poland

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Re: The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilso
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 06:04:07 AM »
Dear Greg and Penny
I read  alot about your book and its seems to be very interesting. Could you tell me if it will be translated to polish. Im wondering if any publishing company bought rights to your book. Maybe you should contact with some of them. During last 10 years a lot of books about IF was translated to polish. They are very popular here. At least we were part of of russian Empire until 1918.

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Re: The Fate of The Romanovs,Greg King,Penny Wilso
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2004, 07:35:38 AM »
Dear Greg and Penny
I read  alot about your book and its seems to be very interesting. Could you tell me if it will be translated to polish. Im wondering if any publishing company bought rights to your book. Maybe you should contact with some of them. During last 10 years a lot of books about IF was translated to polish. They are very popular here. At least we were part of of russian Empire until 1918.

Hi Matt-

Foreign language rights always take a year or two to work out (or more-my biography of Alexandra was only published in Russia in 2000-6 years after it's US and UK publications).  The publisher, Wiley, owns English-language rights while our agent is responsible for any foreign language negotiations, so it's impossible to say-I just know it takes a long time!

Greg King