Yes I know the poor Fritz of Baden. He indeed was a good man. Had Ella loved and chosen him, she could have been happiest with him.
"The poor Fritz of Baden" was homosexual.
Oh, the hints in his German Wikipedia article:
Der Sohn von Großherzog Friedrich I. und Luise von Preußen wurde zunächst von einem Privatlehrer unterrichtet, ohne dass er Kontakt mit Gleichaltrigen hatte. Um ihm diesen Kontakt zu ermöglichen, wurde er auf dem Großherzoglichen Friedrichs-Gymnasium Karlsruhe mit elf Mitschülern aus der gebildeten Bürgerschicht unterrichtet. Friedrich war jedoch scheu und kontaktarm und war auch wenig interessiert am Unterrichtsstoff, den man ihm vermitteln wollte. =
The son of Grand Duke Friedrich I and Luise of Prussia was firstly taught by a private tutor, without having contact with peers his own age. In order to give him opportunity for this, he was taught at the Grand-Ducal Friedrich high school in Karlsruhe with eleven class mates from the educated bourgeoisie. But Friedrich was shy and had difficulty establishing contacts and was also not very interested in the subjects he was taught.
So it seems that all the liberal, South German monarchies - Baden, Hesse, Württemberg and Bavaria - had gay/bi monarchs for various periods during the Second German Empire!