Salve !...
Alexandra Nicolaevna (1825-1844). Daughter of Nicholas 1, she married Landgraft Frederic-Guillaume de Hesse in january 1844 and died in childbirth in august 1844.
I know something exists about A. N. memorials on the site, but I would like to better understand the personality of this young princess. On a website upon St Petersbourg it is said she created orphanages and hospitals.
I would like to know if such houses were created by herself or , after her premature death, in her name...
I would like something about her life in teen age before she married. (it is said she was a good musician and singer and the famous Henriette Sontag went in Russia to help her... Sontag was already a friend of the german Empress Augusta niece of Nicholas 1)
I would like to know when and where she met her husband, if she loved him... if the marriage was a political one...
Purhaps somebody knows something about the life of this poor princess.
Mr Canard