Let's face it...the Queen hasn't exactly been a source of fashion inspiration over the years. Elizabeth was gorgeous when she was younger, but when she hit about 30, she seemed to fall into a fashion rut, and let's talk about where Anne got her 'same hair-do for over 30 years' from...
Her Majesty has set a record--the same hairstyle (give or take the 'greying temples' look she had in the early 80's
and a poodle like poof at the sides which she wears now) for OVER 50 YEARS. Oh sure, it's acceptable now, because it is the hairstyle most of us remember our grandmother's having...but it was not the fashion in the 60's...70's...80's...
If Anne inherited her temper and ability to put her foot in her mouth from her father, it's painfully obvious where she inherited her sense of style from...
If you ask me, we all have QUEEN MARY to blame for this! It's something in the genes or the Balmoral water supply, because May's fashion 'sense' prooved to be such an...inspiration
, daughter in law Cookie decided to carry the fashion frock-up torch for
her generation. She in turn passed it onto Lilibet, who, so thankfully for all of us here on the forum (Martyn especially!) passed it down to ANNE!