I agree with the statement said earlier.. The Princess Royal is a lot like her Father, but I think she's like her mother in the sense that she's kept her "feelings" private and done her job first. She obviously is a wonderful mother and i think her no nonsense upfront personality kind of reminds me of what i've read of HM Queen Mary. Duty First, everything else second.
TRH The Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra Should both be honored for the Lifetime of service to the Crown, the people of the Nation & commonwealth and HM the Queen. Niether have been tainted with scandal, sure the Princess Royal divorced her first husband, but that was her own private affair and she handled it privatley and with 100% perfection imo. As far as the wardrobe goes, The Queen Mother never changed her Style and neither did Queen mary, so i don't see why people are always hounding Princess Anne. If she did always go out and buy new clothes, people would then be wanting to know How much they cost and where the funding came from. etc..
HRH 's work is what is important and her devotion to her JOb and the British people is what should be important, not what she wears. 3 Cheers to both The Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra