I think i just read in the Imperial Family section, about some guy meeting Grand Duke Dimitir's son, Paul. I think he talks about being distantly related through marriage to a prince of Golovina...
.....this is an extract>
"I told him that my Aunt’s Grandfather’s first wife had married, as her forth husband, a Russian Prince and had lived in the Passy at Rue 20 Venuse, in Paris between the two World Wars as a Russian Princess.
Paul asked me who she had married and I said, “One of the Golitizins, but that I did not know which one or which branch.” I said the my Uncle was in Paris at the same time as a young art student at the Sorbonne and that he had become the Princess’ protégé and that he had said that the Prince was a scoundrel from the naughty line of the Golitizins."
I think thats a different family, rather than spelling, but you never know