This question was already asked in the section on Archduke Carl Ludwig, his brother.
Yes, that is indeed open, where Otto will once be buried. As far I know if from a person, who is very knowing in all things on the modern Habsburgs and Otto etc etc told me that Dr. Otto von Habsburg was already asked that in an interview (strange!) about that point, and Otto did not give any concrete answer, but told that he had a place for it in his mind (We do not know which). So it can be possible that he meant the Kapuzinergruft, even when there is no "real proof" for it. I think as chief of the family Otto has the right to decide over who is or will be buried in the Kaisergruft, but still I'm not totally sure, of which place he thinks for himself. As he is also very connected with other european countries it could also be that he wants to be buried somewhere totally else (another country?) We will see it. But despite of that discussion I hope Otto will still have some years full of activity before him....