The topic started about the make of the Russian bayonet which could have caused the triangluar shaped scar on AA's foot.
David gave us the information.
What I've added is information showing the possible use of a bayonet used on one body found in the mass grave. [Elisabeth has added evidence there were other bones but let me talk about that in my next post,] Since GD Anastasia's body is missing, we do not know what kinds of wounds she suffered.
Yes, it is true that the majority of you believe that it was impossible for anyone to have survived these kinds of attacks.
What I am looking for is evidence that Ermakov bayonet left marks on the bones which prove one was used.
I have given a long list of sources such as Maples comment in his book and this one bone which was a sternum of Nicholas II, which contradicts the Russians who claim this sternum belonged to Trupp. I have given testimonies of eyewitnesses telling about Ermakov's use of his bayonet.....
Not once have I suggested that GD Anastasia survived on this thread. Nor have I suggested anyone else survived on this thread. This topic, as far as I know, is just about the make of the bayonet/bayonets used on the victims and what kind would have left a triangular marke "^" on AA's foot if indeed it had been a bayonet, which we don't know and have no way of proving this is what occured. Read Louis Charles post.
I have also asked for help in this search since I do not own all the books written about the Romanovs, I don't think that is to much to ask. Like I've said, I just have the one, Maples' book in which he mentions the one bone with the mark of a bayonet on the one bone, the sternum.
So, please, view this topic as having been split into two directions: (1) What kind of bayonet would cause a triangular wound, the kind some say AA had; and (2) What evidence is there that a bayonet/bayonets were used on the nine bodies found in the mass grave and the possible use on the two missing bodies.
I realize I may have confused some of you because I took this topic in a different direction then it may have been intended. To me, if those who do believe AA was GD Anastasia, then they need to show this triangular shaped bayonet was used that night. And, David has explained what was being used and what was not being used by the Russians in 1918. And, I added sources of testimonies saying Ermakov was using a bayonet that was not attached to a rifle. I was also trying to take in the forensic evidence as well and prove that a bayonet/bayonets were used.
As to the topic if AA was GD Anastasia, I think there are plenty of threads where that topic can continue.
There is no need to stir this pot and get another locked down thread just because we're talking about bayonets being used on tne nine victims and that AA claimed to have a scar from a bayonet.