I think there is a need for OTMAA to have their own separate threads - things like letters, diaries, sisters-of-mercy etc warrant it rather than lumping them all together - that way it is easy to navigate to specific information on, say, Olga. However, things like handsomest man etc most definately belong in Having Fun. I really wish also that people would refrain from replies like "Oh, I agree." or "I never knew that." unless they are followed by more things for us to learn (about the topic not about the poster!) - there are a few of us who are a bit trigger-happy when it comes to posting replies when none are necessarily needed.
Exactly. We all need to remember what belongs in "Having Fun" and what doesn't, and if a question
really needs a new thread, or can be asked in another one. Sometimes it's hard to find a serious thread to post in because of all the sillier ones.
Maybe all the questions should just be lumped together in one thread, something like "Questions about Maria/Anastasia/Nicholas", etc. ANd of course there is the "Just to put it out there-Romanov style! thread".
And this
is a community. We all need to be kind to each other and respect each other's points of view, rather than be snippy with them. I know it can be hard with the Survivor Forums, but sometimes we forget that there is someone on the other end who is reading a comment you made about them (I know sometimes I forget on other forums!). I just think we should all remember to be careful of what we say and be respectful of others- we don't want beloved members leaving because of hurt feelings!
And if there is a certain thread you don't like or you think is unnecessary, someone should talk to the FA about it rather than go in there and tell everyone what to do. Or if it's a game thread like here in the Discussion Forum or Having Fun, just avoid it!
I don't want to seem bossy or stuck up, I'm just trying to present my ideas and put my two cents in, just want to be a little helpful.
Edit: Hmm, since this is the like/dislike thread..
Dislike fights!