Hi Everyone
I have here three pages of Alexei's diary and letters in Russian from the book Tsesarevich. If anyone here knows Russian could you please translate them for me.
Thank you!
I've done the last page, i think it's the first chronologically
PAG 125 scan 5
28th march
Got up early. I studied and strolled. Had breakfast with Mama and sisters.
During the day walked and [litt: i rode. But this verb can be used for any means of transport. I guess he intends he rode his bike. I'm not sure, but i assumed it, i'm sorry if it's a mistake]. Went to Mama for tea and supper.
Supped at 6 o'clock. Went to bed early.
29th march
I got up as always. I studied and strolled. Had breakfast with parents [litt: with mine = my parents] and Isa [Buxhoevedn, i think]. Strolled and drove a little car [litt: a little engine, i suppose it's a sort of toy car for children?]. Lessons. Supper at 6. Studied for lessons [litt: "I prepared lessons" in russian means study for an exam or something].
Went to Mama for supper. Went to bed early.
30th March
Got up at half past 9. Studied and strolled. Had breakfast with Mama, OTMA and Trina [= Catherine Schneider, i suppose]. During the day rode bike and strolled. Supper with Mama. Supper with aunt Mavra [note says Elisaveta, wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich]
Went to bed early.
31st March
Woke up at half past nine. I studied and strolled. Had breakfast with M[arija] and A[nastasija]. During the day strolled and rode bike. Mama, O[l'ga] and T[at'jana] in town. Went to Mama for supper. Went to bed early (while) Mama, O. And T. Were in town.
1st april
Got up early. Studied and strolled. Had breakfast with Mama and OTMA. During the day strolled and rode bike. Supper at 6. supper with Mama. Went to bed early.
2nd april
Got up at half past nine. Studied and strolled. Had breakfast with Mama and OTMA. During the day strolled and rode bike. Supper at 6. supper with Mama. Went to bed early. Went to Mass.
3rd April (from here it's not clear the first letters because of the scan: i try to understand anyway)
Strolled, went to Mass. Old aunt Ol'ga [and] Christophor [the note says: wife and son of the King of Hellenes] had breakfast with us. During the day strolled and rode bike. Went to Mama for tea, Dmitrij too [Dmitrij Pavlovich]. Supepr at 6. Rode bike. Had supper with Mama. Went to bed as usual.
4th April
Got up early. Studied and strolled. Had breakfast with Mama and OTMA. During the day strolled and went to Mass. Went to Mama for supper. Supper at 6. went to bed early.
I guess it was Easter time, they go to Mess so often. Which year is it?
I'll do the other this evening.