Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"

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Dear Sarastasia,

When selling movies now days, 'anything' is offered, and to shock the audiences, is one of the main themes of selling. Movie people like to add spice and throw in all manner of outrageous scenes.

If you look for truth, it is there. If you are looking for something less than truth, it is there as well. For me, and my family, we make strong inquiries before we venture into watching something that leaves one with tasteless scenes.

Lilavanderhorn is quite right. Tatiana was not one to demean anyone, anything, and most of all that of how she was brought up in being a very religious person.

It's not worth offering such posts to the forum, or even links for others to be confronted again by something that never transpired. Just my ho.

I would care to remember Tatiana, and her siblings as the true, honest, innocents that they were.


All the scene has no sense. Not only Tatiana, but any well educated girl of this time (and our?) never would have done something like that. We will add, that there was no reason for that. Yes, the girls felt how boring, unsure, dangerous, humiliating was the situation, but as we know from documents they chated with pleasure with the guards. And let us remember this story about Tatiana crying and going about because a guard said an obsene joke to her.
I have not see this DVD, but it seems to be of bad historical quality: the girls in Ekaterinburg had quite shorts hairs...

Disgusting...Whe I saw this scene I couldn't believe that this was even put in a screen. Tatiana would never act this way. Nor me when I was her age, nor now!

For me, this is unnacceptable. You may change a little the story in order to make a movie, but not changes the characters to show them totally the opposite of the way they were in real life. In this case, this  is like insulting Tatiana's memory.

I must said I never liked "Nicholas and Alexandra" that much. In various scenes, the Tsar spoke cruelly to Alix, a thing that he would never done in real life. He said something over the lines of "...What did you give me? Four girls, one sick boy..." UGH! Not accurate at all.



--- Quote --- He said something over the lines of "...What did you give me? Four girls, one sick boy..." UGH! Not accurate at all.

--- End quote ---

I must agree with you here. Another one of his lines are when he shouted over and over "... You gave it to him!..." at Alix about Alexei's disease. Nicholas would have never done that. That and the Tatiana secne I did not like at all. But it was a good flim otherwise.


--- Quote ---  Frankly I found the whole scene vulgar and repulsive, and should not have been included. .
--- End quote ---

Here! Here! Agree with you.  Although I like the movie that particular scene has always bothered me greatly.  Tatiana would NEVER have done anything like that to  any young man much less one of those guards who were holding her and her family prisoner. I never understood why they included that scene. It was in very poor taste in my opinion.

And the  "four girls and one sick boy" line bothered me too. Nicky wouldn't have said anything ike that to Alix.


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