I'm not sure how old the actresses were, I think someone said the one playing Tatiana was about 16?? While the real Tatiana at that time would have been about 21. I would guess they were in their teens somewhere, maybe early 20's, probably not all
that far off from the girls' real ages. (And don't forget--some people look much older than they really are while others look much younger!) Actors often play characters who are actually somewhat older or younger than themselves. (Hopefully we won't soon see a 50-year-old actress playing a 16-year-old girl tho!

Anna, was it you who posted the pics of the actors playing the Imperial Family? Thank you so much, it's great being able to see them up close and compare them to the "real" IF!
I agree, the only one who looks even
remotely like one of the girls is Fiona Fullerton who played Anastasia. The others look wrong, wrong, wrong--and yes, those awful early 70's hairdos--why couldn't they make the hair as authentic as the clothes??? The actress playing Olga looks
nothing like the real Olga--and Tatiana isn't much better!! And Marie had such a pretty, rosy face, she was nearly always smiling--the girl playing her looks like she's just bitten into a lemon lol!!
I do watch the movie sometimes (I have it on DVD and yes, it has that stupid scene of Tatiana opening her gown--she would never have done that!!!) mostly because there isnt much else on film about the Romanovs. All in all I think it's not such a bad movie, mostly badly miscast (OTMA especially) and I just don't see as much of the girls as I personally would like--in the movie they look (and act!) interchangeable!!
I do wish someone would make a really good film about the last Romanovs---properly cast (please!!!) and showing the
real story!
And much more OTMA please!!!