Author Topic: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"  (Read 82189 times)

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Offline Holly

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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #180 on: November 10, 2007, 06:31:01 PM »
People get carried away here about the daughters and forget the film was about the parents, "Nicholas and Alexandra".
It wouldn't make sense to make a movie about Nicholas and Alexandra and not get the children in correctly. Their children made up the majority of their lives. Therefore; it wouldn't be an accurate film without them.
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.

Offline Terence

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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #181 on: November 10, 2007, 09:38:23 PM »
It wouldn't make sense to make a movie about Nicholas and Alexandra and not get the children in correctly. Their children made up the majority of their lives. Therefore; it wouldn't be an accurate film without them.

Actually it makes perfect sense to make a movie and not get the children (or anything else) in correctly.

Some here are apparently operating w/ a misconception of what a movie is.  A movie such as Nicholas and Alexandra is simply an entertainment product produced to make money.  Liberties are taken to make it more entertaining and more profitable.  People can expect other things, such as historical accuracy, and the makers can even claim other motives, but that is the be all and end all of the movie genre in general.

It's understandable some folks here may expect the historical facts not to be messed w/, but that is a bit naive and really only setting yourself up for disappointment.  Better to just enjoy (if you can) and note w/ amusement where the script wanders from reality.  JMHO

And if you get really worked up by the mauling of history you can always post here or leave comments on IMDB.  ;D


Offline Holly

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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #182 on: November 11, 2007, 12:20:34 AM »
And if you get really worked up by the mauling of history you can always post here or leave comments on IMDB.  ;D
Yep.. that's why we're trying talking about it on this thread.
"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #183 on: November 11, 2007, 12:32:11 AM »
Touché Holly!


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #184 on: November 11, 2007, 06:20:58 AM »
OTMA were not really important in the film Nicholas and Alexandra. This was the story of their parents and not OTMA. It dealt with a number of major personal and political situations for Nicholas and Alexandra. It never pretended to be comprehensive. If it had done so it would have needed to be a mini-series and to started in perhaps 1894. Certainly much was left out that concerned Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna, a more important figure in Russian history than OTMA, plus of course the sisters and brother of Nicholas II.


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #185 on: November 11, 2007, 10:46:59 AM »
yess other family member are much more important then otma we just feel sorry for them because they died to soon


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #186 on: November 11, 2007, 11:31:39 AM »
It wouldn't make sense to make a movie about Nicholas and Alexandra and not get the children in correctly. Their children made up the majority of their lives. Therefore; it wouldn't be an accurate film without them.

Actually it makes perfect sense to make a movie and not get the children (or anything else) in correctly.

Some here are apparently operating w/ a misconception of what a movie is.  A movie such as Nicholas and Alexandra is simply an entertainment product produced to make money.  Liberties are taken to make it more entertaining and more profitable.  People can expect other things, such as historical accuracy, and the makers can even claim other motives, but that is the be all and end all of the movie genre in general.

It's understandable some folks here may expect the historical facts not to be messed w/, but that is a bit naive and really only setting yourself up for disappointment.  Better to just enjoy (if you can) and note w/ amusement where the script wanders from reality.  JMHO

And if you get really worked up by the mauling of history you can always post here or leave comments on IMDB.  ;D


i agree... but to make a historical movie about any figure you somewhat have to get the dates right.

if a director didn't.. i would call that poor writing/producing. i mean... sure to make money is probably the gist of it, but you have to take the historical values of it all!

i liked Nicholas and Alexandra as much as the next person, but not include the children would be... i don't want to say absurd.. but it just doesn't make sense with out them.
even if your doing a non political or total political movie.


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #187 on: June 14, 2008, 04:51:49 PM »
I suppose they added in that scene to grab the audience attention? 


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #188 on: June 15, 2008, 05:56:27 AM »
Yes, that scene was probably just to get the audience's attention. And perhaps it was added also to show that the guards had pretty disgusting behaviour, even towards the grand duchesses. But, I highly doubt Tatiana would ever do something like that, or any of her sisters for that matter!

I didn't really like the film and wouldn't really take an interest in watching it more than once. IMO, the best film is Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya Semya.

I think I pretty much repeated what everybody else has already said...


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #189 on: June 20, 2008, 07:21:54 PM »
I remember well when I first saw that film, which by the way, changed my life forever and after seeing it I became interested in Russia's Romanov period.

I remember well that the scene of Tatiana and the guard was shown in the film in cinemas, and I was shocked because at the time I was 14 years old, and I'm 50 now so as you see this isn't a new film... and I'm not "new" either.

The scene in particular is disgusting because first, as based as in history as the film and the book are, there is no evidence that such thing ever happened.  Second, I think that one should have a minimum respect level for those who are dead now, and especially those who were innocent and were yet murdered.
And in the very very remote case such thing would have happened, it doesn't do us any good, nor the memory of the deceased, to know this.

Mr. Massie's "Nicholas and Alexandra", which is considered an important source and is well researched, was the basis for this film.  I don't know if Mr. Massie himself supervised the film, but in any case I think it is accurate a broader sense, taking into consideration that at the time, the early 70s, there might not have been too much information coming out of the Soviet Union regarding the Emperor and his family.  Whatever information was there, was probably obtained from sources located in the West, that is, there might have been some books and pictures taken in Russia, but they "resided" in the West.

In "The Final Chapter" Mr. Massie complemented his extraordinary work "Nicholas and Alexandra", but I think he was impatient and I for one, would be looking forward to a new final "Final Chapter" now that there's evidence that bodies found last summer are those of their imperial majesties, Grand Duchess Maria an  the Heir.  If and when they are buried in their proper place, the Romanov saga will come to an end, and maybe then we'll see some definitive material written on the subject, to close it once and for all, and to let those poor souls rest in peace, as they deserve not because of their rank or their heritage, but because of the unfortunate lives they had.

Going back to the book and the film, the first was a success, a best-seller in its time, something very unusual even then, especially for a book regarding the Empire in a time when I'm sure most Russians and certainly a lot of westerners had all but forgotten the IF.

The film was also a success because at the time it was a super-production.  If I remember correctly it cost a lot to make, it had a cast of very good actors, some of which never repeated their success afterwards (I'm thinking of Mrs. Suzman, who portrayed the Empress).  And who can forget Irene Worth portraying the Dowager Empress?

Filmmakers take some licenses to make their products more interesting, more apealing and thus, more saleable, hence the scenes of Tatiana and he guard, and also the one of Rasputin's murder which was too graphical too in its time.  Now unfortunately we are used to worse than that.

I remember watching on Mexican TV a Russian mini-series about Nicholas and Alexandra, produced in the last years of the now fortunately defunct Soviet Union.  At first I thought it might have been the film, but it wasn't.  About the only good thing it had, is that it was filmed mostly in the places where the actual events happened, which is not the case in the film.  I remember that the last scene is about the Empress driving away in her carriage, in winter, with all the snow, after Rasputin's burial if I'm not mistaken.  After this is over, Cyrillic characters roll up the screen, adding all deaths attributed to the Emperor, starting with his wedding banquet in Khodynka and finishing with the number the casualties of WWI.  I remember also that the IF isn't represented in a bad fashion, meaning no rudeness, no ill-portrayed characters, but clearly they show the Soviet version of the story, which ends, conveniently, before the IF is imprisoned!

Last but not least, now that the final final chapter is about to be finished, I'd like to see a remake of the movie, or better yet, a mini-series that would take advantage of all the information we now have, maybe testimonials of those who survived, and certainly, I would like to have it filmed in the actual locations.

Many years ago, when the Soviet Union opened up, someone made an excellent mini-series about Peter the Great, filmed in Russia and with none other than Omar Shariff representing Tsar Peter, also based on Mr. Massie's biography of him.

Offline Michael HR

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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #190 on: June 21, 2008, 05:15:26 AM »
Like Mexjames it was Nicholas and Alexsandra that brough the Romanov's to my attention in the early 70's and I went to see it time and time again. I did not know that it was incorrect but it brought me to a world that I have cherished ever since. Whilst in someways a bad movie it also did some good as it kept the memory of the Imperial Family alive in the minds of the public and reminded us that they were that, a family in tragic circumstances.

The scene with Tatiania was a disgrace mind you and should not have been allowed.

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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #191 on: June 27, 2008, 12:59:02 AM »
Why? I don't think i'll ever understand why everyone thinks it's such a disgrace.

They had a limited time (and sources) to show how they were feeling in captivity.

It's not totally shocking one of the Grand Duchess's would have done something like that. Young woman aged between 17 and 23, they were totally repressed in prison. It's not hard to imagine that they would have been feeling bitter, especially given how much and how rapidly their life had changed. Even though they were sheltered it in no way means they would not have become sexually aware when they reached womanhood, and it would have become even more apparent in that house repressed in every way, not just sexually. It doesn't surprise me that they might have done something radical.

OTMA were normal women. Women I say, because by the time of captivity they were no longer children. Olga and Tatiana at least. They were normal, in that instinctive human emotion and intake precedence over whether you are 'very religios so she would never have done anything like that.' Religion has nothing to do with it.

In perspective, while in captivity Olga was the same age Alexandra was when she had her. At her age, Alexandra was happily married and obviously enjoying a regular and satisfying sex life with Nicky. Think of the line 'I'm 21 years old and that's the only man who's ever seen me.'

I didn't think that scene was cheap or vulgar, nor the way Tatiana was portrayed in it. The point of the scene isn't to show that Tatiana was 'loose' or  a cheap slut or that she actually wanted the guard to have sex with her.

I'm not saying it's probable, it's just not impossible or appalling.

The point is to evoke sympathy for her, which in my opinion it does.


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #192 on: June 27, 2008, 01:26:21 PM »
Thank you, Anna11!

We see a bit of boobie and we lose our minds!



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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #193 on: June 30, 2008, 02:51:23 PM »
In my very personal opinion, the film portrays the family ordeal very well, without the Tatiana scene, and another one about the Emperor and the Empress.  There are enough humane situations there, so again in my opinion, the sexuality thing could have been left literally out of the picture.  Some things are sometimes better left unsaid.

Sexuality is a private matter, especially so in this case.  Unfortunately there has been enough bad stuff going around for years on this matter, none of which was ever proven.


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Re: Tatiana in "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #194 on: July 05, 2008, 10:10:59 PM »
i dont think the scene with tatiana had anything to do with sex they just wanted the people to feel sorry for her in that scene.